- We have a vast expanse of cultivated land. 我们有大片的耕地。
- Depletion of cultivated land 耕地损耗
- Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited. 禁止乱占耕地和滥用土地的行为。
- Analysis of Factors that Influence Quantities and Qualities of Cultivated Land In Xishan, Zhejiang Prov. 江苏省锡山市耕地数量、质量变化影响因素分析。
- There is a course from requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land to overprotection. 耕地从占补平衡到超额保护经历了一个演进过程。
- As for the per-capita area of cultivated land,it had dropped to 1.3 mu,representing only 25 percent of the world average. 中国人均耕地已降到1.;3亩,不足0
- As for the per-capita area of cultivated land, it had dropped to 1.3 mu, representing only 25 percent of the world average. 中国人均耕地已降到1.;3亩,不足0
- The State protects the cultivated land and strictly controls the conversion of cultivated land into non-cultivated land. 国家保护耕地,严格控制耕地转为非耕地。
- Article 31 The State protects the cultivated land and strictly controls the conversion of cultivated land into non-cultivated land. 第三十一条 国家保护耕地,严格控制耕地转为非耕地。
- CFCs cause depletion of atmospheric ozone. 氟氯化碳会损耗大气臭氧。
- The result indicates that the growth of population and economic development are dominical factors for change of cultivated land. 结果表明,耕地变化主要受经济因子、人口、房地产政策及耕地开发强度的影响。
- Increasing land reclaiming fare, mounting of overprotection cultivated land and illegal requisition of cultivated land will exist for a long time. 提高耕地开垦费、耕地超额保护数量增长和违法占用耕地数量逐年上升三种现象长期共存。
- Cultivated land protection in suburban areas is a serious problem since large quantity of cultivated land has been expropriated in the past years. 摘要受区位条件、土地级差收益和城市经济辐射的影响,多年来城市郊区耕地被大量征占,因此该特定地域耕地保护问题不容忽视。
- Study is under the depletion of minds. 所谓学习者,竭思想之灵性也。
- The conclusion turns out to be that China has reached the target of equilibrium of cultivated land occupation and complementation since 1996. 结果认为:1)耕地总量动态平衡战略实施以来,我国已逐步实现耕地面积的占补平衡,耕地净减少的趋势基本得到控制,但人均耕地呈下降趋势;
- But within the next three hundred years, while the area of cultivated land was doubling, the population was in creasing over six times! 公有土地渐渐被化为私产的趋势,使这种人多地少的状况更为恶化。
- This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land. 这样就提供了有关扩大可耕地面积的宝贵数据。
- With social and economic speediness development of China, the changes both areas and quality of cultivated land is posing a challenge to food safety. 随着我国经济社会快速发展,耕地面积与质量变化对粮食安全构成了严峻挑战,受到社会各界的日益关注,对耕地地力评价的研究越来越多。
- They are caused by the depletion of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). 这是由于ATP(三磷酸盐腺)耗尽造成的。
- This paper discusses the concept of cultivated land resource security and analyzes the characteristics and basic theory. 从耕地资源安全概念入手,着重分析了耕地资源安全的特点与理论基础;