- Dendrobium sinensen. 华石斛
- Appreciate the Chinese Orchid - Cym. sinense). 墨兰的欣赏与鉴别。
- Cymbidium sinense (Andr.) Willd. 墨兰
- Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook.var.oculatum Hook. 马鞭石斛
- Tissue Culture of Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. 流苏石斛的组织培养。
- Dendrobium candidium Wall. Ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Dendrobium strongylanthum Rchb. f. 梳唇石斛
- Dendrobium faulhaberianum Schlecht. ,以 茎 入药。
- Dendrobium candidum Wall. ex Lindl. 铁皮石斛
- Advances in studies on pharmacology of plants from Dendrobium Sw. 石斛属植物药理活性研究进展。
- The status of Yunnan Dendrobium drugs and their botanical origin. 云南石斛属药材现状及其原植物.
- Wan F, Huang D. / Both AFGS and natural Ganoderma sinense (NGS) have... 中译:一种免疫调节蛋白,灵芝-8,透过调整黏附分子促进细胞组成间的互动
- Application of biotechnology in studies of medicinal plants Dendrobium Sw. 生物技术在药用石斛研究中的应用。
- Advances in studies on chemical constitutents from plants of Dendrobium Sw. 石斛属植物化学成分研究进展。
- The Form, Structure and Element Component of Mycorrhizas in Dendrobium spp. 三种石斛菌根形态结构及元素构成的研究。
- Researches on Morphology and Anatomy of Root System of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. 金钗石斛根系的形态及解剖学研究。
- Isolation and structural identification of insecticidal activities from Ligusticum sinense Oliv. 藁本中杀虫活性成分的分离与鉴定。
- Abstract: Dendrobium nobile Lindl. belonged to perennial herb of orchidaceae. 金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
- Result There is no significantly difference in the contents of Ferulic Acid and Polysaccharide between Angelica sinensis and lotiform Angelica sinens. 结果当归与莲花归多糖和阿魏酸含量差异无统计学意义。