- Demodex cati [医] 猫脂螨
- Human demodex is a conditioned parasite with high infestation rate. 目的人体蠕形螨是蠕形螨病的病原虫,人感染率较高。
- CONCLUSIONViratrum nigrum cream has killing effects on Demodex folliculorum. 藜芦乳膏具有杀螨虫作用。
- Secondly, we claim that the fundamental cause of Deregulation of CATI is Transfer of Economic Structure. 第二,指出体制转轨因素是中国民航运输业放松管制的最根本动因;
- Squeezing method and cellophane tape method were used to detect nasal Demodex infection in the same population. 应用挤压刮取涂片法与透明胶纸粘贴法对同一人群进行蠕形螨检查。
- Demodex folliculorum were examined in 30 patients with acne rosacea. The detectable rate was 100%,411 D. 本文对门诊30名酒渣样痤疮患者用透明胶纸检查,蠕形螨检出率100%25。
- CATI Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, a market research term for a call center based on the use of a computerized database. 计算机辅助电话调查系统。一种呼叫中心市场调查术语,建立在计算机化数据库的使用基础上。
- The infection rate of Demodex folliculorum (65.18%) was higher than that of Demodex brevis (24.11%). 毛囊蠕形螨面部感染率(65.;18%25)高于皮脂蠕形螨(24
- Demodex folliculorum were examined in 30 patients with acne rosacea.The detectable rate was 100%,411 D. 本文对门诊30名酒渣样痤疮患者用透明胶纸检查,蠕形螨检出率100%25。
- Proposed in this paper is a novel index CATI, namely, compact ancestor tree index, which can support XML structural join effectively. 介绍了一种全新的有效支持XML结构化连接的树索引CATI(compact ancestor tree index).
- Human Demodex is a small permanent parasite which can cause human demodicidosis. 人体蠕形螨是一类小型永久性专性寄生螨,可引起人体蠕形螨病。
- Chapter 4 states the development tendency of marketization and privatization of CATI, and further explains the relation between them. 第4章对中国民航运输业市场化、民营化的发展趋势进行了阐述,并进一步说明了两者的关系。
- Conclusion:Infection of Demodex do exists in the students of military (medical) college and with a rather high... 用甲硝唑硫磺软膏治疗蠕形螨感染者;治愈率为85.;2%25。
- Through CATI system, 1789 customers' service quality evaluation data about their 7 retail banking suppliers are collected from 50 cities of China. 摘要该文收集了7家中资银行在全国50个城市的1789个零售顾客的服务质量、顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度数据。
- In this study, most of the demodex belonged to the species Demodex folliculorumo Only a few Demodex brevis were found. 本文报导广州地区人体蠕形螨的感染情况;感染率为9.;55%25;较国内其它地区所报导的感染率为低。
- The research was conducted by an external professional agent.Using the Computer Aided Telephone Interview (CATI) and random sampling. 本次调查聘请了外部专业机构,采用计算机辅助电话访问(CATI)的方式进行随机抽样调查。
- The review summarizes the recent development of therapy for Demodex infection in human. 该文就蠕形螨感染的治疗现状予以综述,以求对治疗人体蠕形螨病提供参考。
- Thirdly, we establish a space frame from horizontal and vertical dimensions to study and evaluate the Market Structure of CATI. 第三,从横向和纵向两个维度对中国民航运输业的市场结构进行分析,从而形成一个立体式的市场结构分析框架;
- Objective To study the effect of camphor oil in killing Demodex in vitro and to further analyze the killing mechanism. 显微镜下观察可见,使用樟脑油后,螨虫在经历短时间的兴奋痉挛期后,虫体松弛、死亡。
- Chinese Civil Aviation Transportation Industry (CATI) as a Monopolistic Industry, its further Deregulation also seems urgent. 中国民航运输业作为垄断性产业,同样面临着进一步放松管制的紧迫任务。