- Qunyan Press , first established in 1989, was sponsored by China Democratic League(CDL). 群言出版社创建于1989年,由民盟中央主办。
- Hat Yai, Krabi Airport have also been supporter of the Democratic League of impact. 合艾、甲米机场也受到民盟支持者的冲击。
- It is clear that a lot of standing behind the Democratic League of large consortia or organizations. 显然,民盟背后站着不少大型财团或者组织。
- As a result, China Democratic League carried on and convey its political views along the unself-disciplined and the self-disciplined way. 至此,民盟就沿着自由主义价值上律他性与自律性的两个向度来贯彻和体现自己的政治主张与立场。
- Qun Yan Publishing House was founded in 1989 by the Central Committee of China Democratic League organized GAPP director. 群言出版社创建于1989年,由中国民主同盟中央委员会主办,新闻出版总署主管。
- We will keep up our efforts and supply more outstanding books for the readers and the leaguers of China Democratic League. 我们会再接再厉为广大读者和民盟盟员奉献更多的优秀图书。
- The Democratic League has played a particularly vicious role in the course of the contention among the hundred schools of thought and the rectification movement. 民盟在百家争鸣过程和整风过程中所起的作用特别恶劣。
- Federate the China Democratic League, the World Association of Chinese art, Abstractionist school painter ,"National Fundamental Software of China Ltd" artistic adviser. 中国民主同盟盟员,世界华人艺术家协会理事,抽象派画家,中科方德软件有限公司艺术顾问。
- In September 1944, the China Democratic Political League held a national congress in Chongqing and decided to rename itself the China Democratic League. 1944年9月,中国民主政团同盟在重庆召开全国代表会议,决定将中国民主政团同盟改为中国民主同盟。
- With the theme of Mr.ZhangZhidong Earthquake Relief Art Exhibition, an Ardent Exhibition 2008.5 was cosponsored by Shanghai municipal party committee and Shanghai Democratic League. 民盟上海市委、上海市民盟书画院主办了“热血狂澜2008.;5---张伟抗震救灾主题作品展”。
- The agitprop of Guangxi Democratic League, 民盟广西区委宣传部
- the China Democratic League Federate 4. 中国民主同盟盟员4人。
- She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- He is a member of the Ivy League. 他是长春藤联合会的一员。
- Democratic rights were.fought for bitterly. 为争取民主权利进行了艰苦的斗争。
- The Northwest General Branch of the Democratic League of China 中国民主同盟西北总支部
- Is this game a league match or a friendly? 这场比赛是联赛还是友谊赛?
- My friends share democratic ideals with me. 我的朋友们和我一样有民主思想。
- The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。