- She swindled 1000 dollars out of Social Security. 她骗得了1000美元社会保险金。
- On the Debated Reform of Social Security System in the U.S. 争议中的美国社会保障制度改革。
- Demand of social security 社会保障需求
- Scientific development is the essential demand of socialism. 科学发展是社会主义的本质要求。
- Endowment insurance system is the key content of social security system. 养老保险制度是社会保障制度的重要内容。
- Graduation hind can look for a relation to enter job of social security bureau! 毕业后可以找关系进入社会保障局工作!
- She swindled 1000 out of the Social Security. 她骗得了 1000 英镑社会保险金。
- Retirement security also depends upon keeping the commitments of Social Security ? and we will. 退休福利金安全制度同时依赖于健全的社会福利保险制度。
- Occupational guidance came into being because of demand of the development of social economy and vocation, and developed and consummated unceasingly. 职业指导随着社会经济及职业的发展应运而生,并随之不断发展与完善。
- Most of the families in our road are on social security. 我们这条街多数家庭都享受社会福利。
- It is six impetus of development which actuate NPOs that reflect in certain degree external demand of social system progress on certain stage for NPIOS. 促使NPOs出现并得到长足发展的六大动因,从一定的层面上反映了NPIOS是社会体制发展到一定阶段的客观要求。
- Social security system is not only the objective demands of market economy,but also a stabilizer of its normal operation. 社会保障制度既是市场经济的客观要求,也是保障市场经济体系正常运作的稳定器。
- So,development of social work service in the emergency room is corresponds to the demand of emergency patients,emergency treatment team,and emergency management. 因此,发展针对急诊室的社会工作服务契合了急诊病人、急诊团队以及急诊管理的需要。
- The enact of social security law also aced the carrying out of the administrative enforcement of law. 摘要社会保障法律的制定,还需要强有力的行政执法手段将其贯彻落实。
- Social security agencies shall make audit periodically on payment of social insurance premiums by payers. 社会保险经办机构定期对缴费单位缴纳社会保险费的情况进行稽核。
- The factory is in great demand of steel to keep up production. 那个工厂需要大量钢铁以维持生产。
- Retirement security also depends upon keeping the commitments of Social Security ? 退休福利金安全制度同时依赖于健全的社会福利保险制度。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- They went on strike Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase. 他们於星期一举行罢工,要求增加百分之三十工资。