- Delayed Price Discovery 延迟价格发现
- The idea of “private sector price discovery” is therefore flim-flam. 因此,“私人部门价格发现”的观点是荒谬的。
- The function of futures markets is price discovery, price risk hedging, and market efficiency improving. 期货市场的功能在于价格发现、价格风险规避及市场效率提高。
- The function of futures markets are price discovery, price risk hedging, and market efficiency improving. 期货市场地功能在于价格发现、价格风险规避及市场效率提高.
- Nonetheless, without the participation of speculators, in particular institutional investors, price discovery will not be efficient. 然而,如果没有投机者,尤其是机构投资者的参与,价格发现的效率就会受影响。
- In the first part,the price discovery mechanism between the A and the B shares plays a weak role because of market segmentation. 第1时间段,由于市场的分割使得A、B股市场之间的价格发现机制没能有效地发挥作用;
- Moreover,both spot and futures markets play important price discovery roles and the futures market is more dominant than the spo... 期货市场和现货市场都扮演价格发现角色,且期货市场在价格发现中处于主导地位。
- This is done by creating a one-way bet for private-sector bidders for the toxic assets, then cynically calling it “private sector price discovery”. 更多学科中更多的创新者,正加大对互操作性的投资,将其既视作一种商业策略,又是一种研究策略。新生的纳米技术与生物科技糅合起来。
- The function of market in future can better solve the problem.The function is price discovery, price risk hedging and efficiency improvement of market. 农产品期货市场能通过套期保值来转移商品价格风险,能发现合理的价格预期,从而稳定农产品的长期供求关系。
- Electronic bond trading platforms such as that provided by BIA can help to enhance secondary market liquidity of the local debt market and improve the price discovery process. 这一个由邦盛亚洲提供的电子债券交易平台将有助提高本地债务市场的第二市场流通性,以及加快开价过程。
- Speculators play an important role in facilitating price discovery in a free market, although their speculative activities may sometimes cause market volatility. 投机者在自由市场的价格发现上扮演重要的角色,当然他们的投机炒卖活动也可能引起市场波动。
- On the other hand, one can argue that volatility is also a reflection of some lack of efficiency in the market in performing the important role of price discovery. 另一方面,大家可以说市场波动是反映市场在履行它致力寻求合理定价的重要功能上未能发挥最高的效率。
- But as a permanent fixture this rule would be an unhelpful drag, restricting short selling's role in greasing the market's wheels and aiding price discovery. 但作为一项永久性规定,它会成为毫无帮助的累赘,并限制卖空操作在润滑市场车轮、协助价格发现方面发挥的作用。
- Through effective oversight, the CFTC enables the futures markets to serve the important function of providing a means for price discovery and offsetting price risk. 通过有效的监督,商品期货交易委员会使期货市场服务的重要职能,提供了一种手段,价格发现和弥补价格风险。
- He lost his way, which delayed him considerably. 他迷了路,这使他耽搁了很久。
- Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船被逆风耽搁了。
- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- Three tests of the futures price and spot price for sugar in Zhengzhou and futures price at New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) indicate that sugar Market in Zhengzhou is efficient, with good price discovery function of the futures price guiding spot price. 摘要郑州白糖市场的期货价格、现货价格以及NYBOT市场的期货价格的三种检验表明:郑州白糖市场的期货运行是有效的,期货价格的价格发现功能发挥良好,能够引导现货价格。
- He is delayed because his taxi has an accident. 由于他的出租车出了故障,他被耽误了。
- The train was delayed because of ice on the line. 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。