- Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Man-made Tamarindus indica Forestin Degraded Slope Land of Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley 元谋干热河谷退化坡地罗望子人工林水土保持效益
- Degraded sloping land 退化坡地
- The sloping land is the innovation in landscape design for urban buildings. 世贸丽晶城独有的“坡地”设计开创了城市中心楼盘景观设计的全新时代。
- The ecotone of paddy field and sloping land has the largest number... 稻田杂草多样性最低,坡地次之,稻田与坡地的交错带杂草物种最丰富。
- Contour planting is one of the best systems adapted to cultivation management on rolling or sloping land. 等高栽植是适于坡地或起伏地的最好栽培管理方式之一。
- China has rich water,grassland and sloping land resources which have great potential for exploitation. 中国水域、草原、山地资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。
- When soil on sloping land is farmed improperly, it begins to move under the impact of rain. 当坡地上的土壤被不适当地耕作时,在雨水冲刷下,它就开始移动。
- China has rich water, grassland and sloping land resources which have great potential for exploitation. 中国水域、草原、山地资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。
- Sloping Green Land: Sloping land is applied to show the original features of nature and becomes a natural green land. 景观坡地绿化屏障:世贸丽晶城采用堆土造坡的景观手法,将平面上的环境要素向竖向空间延伸,呈现出大自然的原貌,形成天然的绿化屏障。
- Contour planting with or without terraces is one of the best systems adapted to cultivation management on rolling or sloping land. 等高栽植(不论有无梯田)是适于坡地或起伏地的最好栽培管理的方式之一。
- Planting bush mulberry on sleep slope land more than 25 degrees with deepen levelditches. 陕北黄土丘陵区以水平槽带状灌木化在25。
- Contour hedgerow intercropping is regarded as an effective and 1owcost technology for conserving farming and sustainable use of sloping land. 摘要等高植物篱技术是一种坡耕地上低投入、高收益的保护性耕作和持续利用技术。
- They are heat-resistant and do not need much labor.Taiwan farmers utilize riverbeds, slope land and graveled land as plantation areas for pineapples. 台湾凤梨除供国内市场食用外,也制成凤梨罐头、果汁罐头、盐渍凤梨、脱水凤梨或蜜饯凤梨等大量外销。
- With observation data of terrace and slope land runoff plots, the authors analyzed the soil and water conservation benefit of terracing. 摘要应用江西典型红壤坡地梯田与坡耕地社区的观测资料,对坡改梯的水土保持效应进行了分析研究。
- Soil erosion caused by rain and the layer flow of slope land is thinked as simultaneous occurrence process of slope land soil of dispersion, deposition and diversion. 由于降雨、坡面层流引起的土壤侵蚀被认为是涉及到坡面土壤的分散、沉积和转移同时发生的过程。
- Based on fixed field monitoring data,soil water potential dynamics and water consumption in the oil-tea camellia woods on slope land of red soil were studied. 利用野外定位观测数据,研究了雨季红壤坡地油茶林土壤水势变化特征及耗水规律。
- He was degraded for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令而受到降级处分。
- In general, farmers cultivate these sloping lands without any soil conservation practices. 一般来说,农民耕种这些坡地时没有采取任何保护措施。
- He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies. 他因欺骗、撒谎而损害了自己的人格。
- The erosion hazard applies particularly to sloping lands, which are widespread and occupy a large area in Asia. 对坡地来说,土壤侵蚀尤为严重,而在亚洲坡地普遍存在而且面积很大。