- Defence Surplus Sales Officer 国防剩余物资销售官
- Defence Surplus Sales Office 国防剩余物资销售处
- Specialized Surplus Sales Office 特种剩余物资销售处
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
- Emilio will report to Gustavo Arenas the new Chief Sales Officer. 埃米利奥将直接汇报给古斯塔沃舞台上的新销售总监。
- Sante sales offices, a staff told reporters. 桑泰售楼处一位工作人员对记者说。
- In the latest organizational change, Yahoo said Wenda Millard, chief sales officer in the U.S., is leaving the company effective immediately. 在最新的组织改革中,雅虎说WendaMillard,美国地区销售的主要负责人,离开公司后立即生效。
- Each sales office collects data from its regional sales staff. 每个销售办事处都从其区域销售人员那里收集数据。
- North-East China Sales Office Shenzhen Chengfei Industry Co., Ltd. 深圳成飞实业有限公司东北销售处。
- The Dublin office is supported by 4 sales offices in the United States. 都柏林办事处由分布于美国的4个销售办事处支持。
- Instruct and coach branches and sales office in personnel management. 指导分公司及办事处人事管理的工作。
- Classic scene: a man riding a bicycle went to the upmarket flat sales offices. 一骑着自行车的男子来到高档楼盘售楼处。
- The Timken Company established its first sales office in China since 1994. 铁姆肯公司于1994年在中国建立了第一个销售办事处。
- I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- Today Woodward has two manufacturing facilities and one sales office in China. 公司目前在中国投资两个分公司及一个代表处。
- We are giving away all our surplus apples. 我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。
- Dynamo's defence looks disorganize. 迪纳摩队的防守看起来已瓦解了。
- A lot of money is spent on defence. 国防方面的开支很大。
- They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守,射进一球。
- They took up arms in defence of their country. 他们拿起武器保卫祖国。