- Deep and still is the abyss 渊渊其渊
- Maisel was and still is the “God of Color” photography. 在过去以及现在,Maisel一直是一位被誉为‘色彩之神’的摄影大师。
- It was, and still is, my favourite movie. 那部影片以前是我最喜欢的,现在仍然是。
- And still ringing in our ears is the fond farewell of the Russian girl employed by the tour operator, who urges us to come again. 而此时此刻仍然萦绕于我们的耳际的是旅行社经营者雇用的那位俄罗斯姑娘的那番恋恋不舍的告别话,她再三叮嘱我们要再来。
- He was, and still is, a musical snob. 他曾经是音乐假内行,现在依然是。
- It may be that I create them myself, or that they rise from some hidden place deeper and blacker than the bottom layer of the Abyss, where smoke hangs thick as rock and death is the sweetest memory. 后来自己看了几遍,觉得拿不出手,文笔太差是其一,缺少逻辑是其二。所以不断修改,想让结构变得严密一点。结果是变得更加难懂,即使我隔了一段时间在看,也要动一番脑子才想明白。
- The car is three years old and still unpaid for. 这汽车用了三年还没付购车款呢。
- His Los Angeles plumbing-wholesale firm, Hirsch Pipe &Supply Co., was and still is the largest distributor for Chicago Faucet in the United States. 而美国好施集团作为总部位于洛杉矶的管道产品批发公司,一直是美国芝加哥水龙头公司的美国地区最大的经销商。
- More familiar still is the use of the first name and Yours . 关系更密切者; 信的开头用收信人的名字; 信末用yours .
- Surely this shows that Hollywood could voluntarily step back from the abyss of glorifying violence and still retain its edge and its income. 的确,这表明好莱坞能够 主动从赞美暴力的深渊中抽身退步,同时仍然保留它的优势和利润。
- The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird. 该高空飞机过去是现在仍然是一种了不起的飞机。
- The chest is rather deep and of moderate breadth. 胸部宜纵深,且宽度适当。
- Guoqing Si and still is to “keep in purdah did not know. 而国清寺仍是“养在深闺人未识”。
- The brisket is deep and the ribs well sprung. 胸部深且肋骨支 撑良好。
- More important still is the charitable stuff. 最重要的是慈善部分。
- More remarkable still is the story of Etain. 更加不可思议的就是Etain的故事。
- In these lakes the fish swim deep and take a lot of catching. 这些湖中的鱼都在深水中活动,很不易捕到。
- At breakfast time, the waitress still is not up. 到开早饭的时候,女服务员还没起床。
- The china has been, and still is, the most populous country in the world. 中国过去是,而且现在还是世界上人口最多的国家