- Death claimed him. 他死了。
- This time the gallows claimed him. 这次,他被送上了绞刑台。
- He claimed him as the only legal inheritor. 他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。
- The disease of brooding was beginning to claim him as a victim. 他已经开始成为郁郁沉思这一毛病的牺牲品。
- The trail, the frustation, claimed him again and he searched the ground avidly. 痕迹和挫折促使他继续前进。
- Much distress was caused to the foster parents when,after ten years,Jim's father claimed him back. 10年以后,吉姆的父亲又将他要了回去,这给其养父母带来了很大的悲伤。
- The trail, the frustration, claimed him again and he searched the ground avidly. 痕迹和挫折促使他继续前进。
- The prisoner flung himself on the rocks below, where the fierce waves claimed him immediately. 囚犯纵身跳到下面的岩石上,立即被巨浪所吞没。
- Meanwhile, the wafts from his old Home pleaded, whispered, conjured, and finally claimed him imperiously. 但同时,从他的老家发出的信息在乞求,在低声哺哺,在对他施放魔力,最后竟专横地勒令他绝对服从。
- Appalled by what he had done, Bob rushed to the parapet and flung himself on the rocks below, where the sea claimed him immediately. 鲍勃对他所做的一切感到震惊,他冲到护墙处,纵身跳到下面的岩石上,立即被大海所吞没。
- Reviewed claim adjustments such as cash surrender, dividend payments and death claims efficiently. 有效率地审查权利调整,例如解约金、红利,及死亡偿付金。
- Yet he betrayed a democratic fondness for Wagner, and the "Tannhauser" overture, when she had given him the clew to it, claimed him as nothing else she played. 只是他对瓦格纳流露出一种平民化的兴趣。他经她一点拨便发表意见说《坦豪瑟》序曲跟她弹奏的其他作品大不相同。
- We say this because if Nicky Gumbel were the spiritual man he and others claim him to be he would not be a curate in the Church of England. 我们讲这资料因为如果甘力克是属灵人,如他和其他人形容他那样,他并不会成为圣公会的副牧。
- MRS. ARBUTHNOT. You have no right to claim him, or the smallest part of him. The boy is entirely mine, and shall remain mine. 你没有权利认领他,哪怕是他最小的一部分,这孩子完全是我的,而且永远是我的。
- The farm came to him on his father's death. 他父亲死时把农场留给他了。
- The river goddess Ganga claimed him as her son, but Shiva declared him to be Parvati's son, reduced his five heads to one and enthroned him as the Controller of Obstacles( Vigneshwara). 恒河女神认领了他,把他当作她的儿子,而湿婆神却声称他是帕娃蒂的儿子,把他的五个头减为一个,把他册封为障碍物的管理者。
- Exile was for him a living death. 他遭流放是进了活地狱。
- His mother's death was a great shock to him. 他母亲之死对他精神上打击很大。
- The river goddess Ganga claimed him as her son, but Shiva declared him to be Parvati's son, reduced his five heads to one and enthroned him as the Controller of Obstacles (Vigneshwara). 恒河女神认领了他,把他当作她的儿子,而湿婆神却声称他是帕娃蒂的儿子,把他的五个头减为一个,把他册封为障碍物的管理者。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 当发价人死亡,发价即被终止。