- Dear President and Councillors, 各位议员:
- He ran for president and breezed in. 他竞选总统,结果轻而易举地获胜了。
- My Dear President: Letters Between Presidents and Their Wives 总统与他们的夫人间的书信
- She's President and Prime Minister all in one. 她一人身兼总统及首相。
- She's President and Prime Minister in one. 她一人身兼总统及首相。
- She ran for class president and won in a walk. 她竞选班长,并轻易地当选了。
- She's president and secretary in one. 她既是主席又是秘书。
- Carol was made president and director. 卡罗尔当选社长兼导演。
- I informed the President and the Chief of Staff. 我向总统和参谋长做了报告。
- She is President and Prime Minister in one. 她一人身兼总统及首相。
- His excellency Mr. President and Mme ... ... 总统先生阁下和夫人
- Clinton ran for president and won. 克林顿竞选总统并获胜。
- We ought to feel deeply ashamed, sharpen our vigilance and examine afresh our past mistakes. Thank you, dear President! 吾人实应深感惭愧,而加强警惕,重新检讨过去之错误。”
- She's president and secretary all in one. 主席和秘书由她一个人兼任。
- Weinbaum, NanoOpto's president and chief executive. 应该与哪个公司合作?
- Dear President,IOC Members,friends,I am Deng Yaping,4 time Olympic gold medallist in table tennis. 亲爱的主席先生,国际奥委会委员,朋友们: 我是邓亚萍,四次奥运会乒乓球冠军。
- A military band serenaded the President and Mrs. 另外还可增加一些“干扰性”练习,譬如一边听、一边写些不相关的内容,如数字、人名等,分散使用注意力,那样效果会更好。
- Dear President Bush,I'm an ordinary Chinese woman writing you this letter in tears on my sickbed. 我是一个普通的中国妇女,现在躺在病床上流着眼泪给您写信。
- Police and councillors in Nottingham have been working to dispel its gun-ridden image, which once led to it being dubbed" Assassination City". 诺丁汉市枪支泛滥,曾经因此被称为“暗杀之城”,该市的警察和议员们正在努力消除这种形象。
- "Oh my dear president, how happy I am to see you here," says the man kissing Eisenhower again and again. “哦,我亲爱的总统。在这儿见到你真是太高兴了。”这个男人一遍又一遍地亲吻着“艾森豪威尔的头”。