- Dazed or confused. 眩晕的眩晕的或混淆不清的
- Appearing or seeming to appear dazed or confused 困惑的:显得或似乎显得茫然的或困惑的
- Dazed or confused,eg after working intensely 头昏眼花的(如劳累之后)
- Dazed or confused,eg.after working intensely 头昏眼花的(如劳累之后)
- Dazed or confused, eg after working intensely 头昏眼花的(如劳累之後)
- Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment. 想入非非的因浪漫的感情而迷乱或分神的
- A vague or confused state of mind. 头脑糊涂或混乱的状态
- Dazed or lethargic, as if drugged. 昏昏沉沉的好象受过麻醉一样昏昏沉沉的或无精打采的
- Dazed or lethargic,as if drugged. 昏昏沉沉的好象受过麻醉一样昏昏沉沉的或无精打采的
- Speechless or confused in expression, as from shyness, embarrassment, or astonishment. 张口结舌的由于害羞、尴尬或震惊而无法说话或说话不清的
- Some of them stared about with a dazed or half-wild expression. 有些人带着迷惘的或有点狂乱的眼神向周围扫视。
- Either the jack escaped, or confused by the noise, darted back again. 那只长耳兔不是逃走就是给这阵声响弄得着了慌,又窜回去。
- Talk intended to mislead or confuse. 混淆视听的话旨在误导或迷惑别人的言谈
- Speechless or confused in expression,as from shyness,embarrassment,or astonishment. 张口结舌的由于害羞、尴尬或震惊而无法说话或说话不清的
- A mixture or confusion of languages. 多种语言的混合或混淆
- Free from doubt or confusion; certain. 无疑的,确定的没有疑问或困惑的;明确的
- Something that baffles or confuses. 难题令人困惑或迷惑的事情
- These verbs mean to cause bafflement or confusion. 这些动词都含有引起困惑或混乱的意思。
- Gripped - To be paralyzed by fear or confusion. 因为害怕或者混乱而身体麻痹。
- Avoid stilted or confusing language. 避免夸张或者有歧义的语言。