- The shy men may be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大卫的教友们。
- The cows were feeding on hay in the barn. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。
- The soldiers bedded down in a barn. 士兵们在谷仓里打铺过夜。
- David did not have a book to his name. 大卫没有一本属于他自己的书。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大卫一脚向门踹去,那门猛地开了。
- David won't go to the movies with Helen next week. 大卫下星期不和海伦一起去看电影。
- "Big" in "big barn" is a descriptive adjective. "大"在"大谷仓"中是个描写性形容词。
- The cows were stalled in the barn for the night. 牛被关在牲畜棚里过夜。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- The barn will store five tons of grain. 这个谷仓能放五吨粮食。
- David is famous for his billiards technic. 大卫因他的台球技术而出名。
- David Jones rose to reply for the guests. 大卫琼斯站起来代表来宾致答辞。
- David was certainly out of form. 大卫那时竞技状态确实不好。
- David was obsessed by a girl he has just met. 大卫被一个他刚刚认识的女孩迷住了。
- Lived in a barn of a country house. 住在一个空荡荡的农屋里
- That photo is a good likeness of David. 戴维那张相片照得很像。
- I was forgetting (that) David used to teach you. 我几乎忘了大卫以前经常教你。
- Barry Barnes and David Bloor are the proponents of the School. 巴里·巴恩斯和大卫·布鲁尔是这个学派的理论家。
- David was obsessed with a girl he had just met. 大卫被一个他刚刚认识的女孩迷住了。
- The shy men might be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大卫的教友们。