- Daughter Tea Garden 女儿茶园
- The microbial quantity of soil of tea garden and tea output have posit... 茶园土壤微生物数量与茶叶产量具有正相关关系。
- According to diversity indexes of main arthropods in each organic tea garden, to establish activity control index. 根据各茶园的益、害节肢动物多样性指数,制定了以群落多样性为指标的动态防治指标。
- Tea gardens already appeared in China. 根据史书的记载,中国就已经出现了人工栽培的茶园。
- On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park. 每逢星期天,家长们往往带着孩子去参观金门公园占很大面积的美丽的日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪的树木。
- Wisdom Path from Po Lin Monastery, follow sign to Tea Garden entrance and then walk along hiking trail for 15 minutes. 心经简林于宝莲襌寺正门,循路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。
- The drivers friendly stopped his car so that we could get off to take some photos of the tea garden. 司机很识趣的停下车来,让我们尽情的拍摄这美丽的茶园。
- Provide the most suitable plan of coffee to professional cafe, restaurant, hotel, tea garden, bar and home. 为专业咖啡店、中西餐厅、酒吧茶楼、宾馆酒店、会所、办公室及家庭提供最适宜的咖啡解决方案。
- In addition, higher economy benefit was also achieved from the interplantation of vegetable in new tea garden. 新植茶园间套种蔬菜也有较高的经济效益。
- The costs for a tea garden in slope-loand is NT$ 85,100-261,000 /ha/yr and the labor hours, 610-3200 h/ha/yr. 坡地(最高部份用手采)每年每公顷需投入之机械成本在85,100到261,000元间,人工小时介于610至3,200小时之间。
- The Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, oldest of its kind in the U.S., immerses visitors in Zen tranquillity. 意译:第一流的三藩市图片。日本人茶园在金门大桥公园,最古老的它的友好在美国,游客沉湎于禅安宁。
- So tea-clover intercropping system can create fine ecological effects and accelerate benign cycle of tea garden. 试验表明茶树-苜蓿的合理间作能够创造良好的生态效应,促进茶园生态系统良性循环。
- The nutrients content, the number of microorganism and activity of edaphon in soil of Gutongling 4-year-old, 10-year-old and 16-year-old organic tea garden were measured. 摘要对湖南湘阴县兰岭茶厂古桐岭不同种植年限的4年生、10年生、16年生有机茶园,分别进行了土壤养分含量、微生物类群数量及活性测定。
- On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge aces of Golden Gate Park. 每逢星期天,家长们往往带着孩子去参观金门公园占很大面积的美丽的日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪的树木。
- The scienfific name,host and distribution of 90 kinds of ladybug fount in Chinese tea garden were introduced in alphabetic order. 本文收集了我国茶园瓢虫资源90种,并以瓢虫学名字母排序、列出各种瓢虫的学名、寄主及分布省(市)区。
- Total production costs for a tea garden in fiat-land is in the range of NT$ 64,500-80,500 /ha/yr. and total labor hours required, 420-510 h/ha/yr. 平地或10度以下之坡地(机采)每年每公顷所投入之机械成本在64,500到80,500元间,人工小时介于420至510小时之间;
- Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。
- The implementation of "Jiamu Tea Garden" has extended not only the connotation of tea culture,but also infusion of new type and manner of museum. 本文介绍了一种称为"嘉木苑"的形式,则延伸了茶文化的内涵,为陈列展览注入了新的活力,拓宽了博物馆的陈列方式。
- It is suggested that to use soil catalase and saccharase activities to indecate the contamination situation by heavy metal in the soil of tea garden. 建议以过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶的活性作为评价和预测锰矿恢复区茶园土壤锰镉污染状况的敏感指标。
- Captivating fragrance oolong tea is from organic tea garden which uses natural farming method and biological pest control system. 产自台湾南投奥万大森林茶区,全程实施无农药的有机自然生态农耕法来控制虫害。