- Geometric Modeling of Cloud Data from Sectional Measurement 截面扫描型点云数据的几何处理技术
- Data from section measurement 截面测量数据
- In allusion to oversize data from section curve compatibility disposal in skinning surface present a skinning surface reconstruction method. 摘要针对蒙皮曲面生成时截面线相容性处理所带来的数据量过大问题,提出一种蒙皮曲面重构方法。
- The process of reading data from or writing data to a file. 从文件中读数据或向文件中写数据的过程。
- Remove selected data from the document and store it on the clipboard. 从当前文件把数据移开并把它存储在剪贴板上。
- They often retrieved some data from a disk. 他们常常从存储磁盘中检索一些信息。
- She came by the data from various sources. 这些资料她是从各个地方得到的。
- To locate and load a quantity of data from storage. 从存储器中寻找并装入一批数据。
- Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. 就是读入数据流中的下一个字节。
- He sifted the relevant data from the rest. 他把相关资料和其他资料区分开来。
- Pip Boy displays: Downloading data from Disk. {102}{}{哗哗小子提示:正在从磁盘下载。
- This folder contains data from the HAL plan. 这个文件夹没有可见的内容。欲添加内容,您可以点击添加按钮,或者从其他地方粘贴一个内容。
- Where will the application get data from? 应用程序从何处获取数据?
- The character array to write data from. 要从中写出数据的字符数组。
- In the Where will the application get data from? 在“应用程序从哪里获取数据?”
- How do I retrieve data from damaged discs? 如何从受损光盘上找回数据?
- Writes data from a variable to a disk file. 将数据从变量写入磁盘文件。
- Graph illustrating curvilinear formulation, excerpted from section 2 of the course notes. (Image courtesy of OCW. 本图撷取自课堂讲稿的第二部分,说明曲线公式。(图片由麻省理工开放课程提供)
- XML source, for exacting data from XML documents. XML源,用于从XML文档中提取数据。
- To prove Proposition 17, first prove Proposition 16 from Section I.8 (it's easy), which I included in the handout. 要证明命题17,首先要证明I.;8节的命题16(很简单)。