- Daqing Shan Mountain 大青山
- Xindigou gold deposit is a typical greenstone gold deposit in Daqing shan part on the north ridge of North China Platform. 新地沟金矿床产于新太古界色尔腾山群绿片岩系中,属层控绿岩型金矿床。
- The maple leaves of the Xiang Shan Mountain glowed red in the sunlight. 香山红叶在阳光中闪耀 着红光.
- Tian Shan mountain, the new Hall of Guanyin, Rohan Hall, paintings and so on down Yashi attractions. 天桂山后山,新开了观音殿、罗汉堂、垂崖石画等景点。
- Qing Hua Shan Mountain set your risk, Huangshan's surprising the show Emei, Jiuzhai of the United States, is the "Silk Road" of the South East a shining pearl online. 贵清山集华山之险、黄山之奇、峨嵋之秀、九寨之美,是“丝绸之路”东南线上的一颗璀璨明珠。
- Tianmen Shan mountain tourism cableway long 7455 meters, 1279 meters the highest point above sea level, is the world's longest passenger ropeway mountains. 天门山高山观光索道长7455米,最高点海拔1279米,是目前世界最长的高山客运索道。
- Until now they conducted studies in eastern Tian shan and Baitag shan mountains, run 17 SL sign transects. 昨天汽车失去方向(转向系统断裂),耽误了1天,危险已经排除,多亏不在山上。
- The east-west chain of the Tian Shan Mountains separate Dzungaria in the north from the Tarim Basin in the south. 东西走向的天山山脉将准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地分隔开来。
- The substances making up of loess on the northern slop of Tian Shan Mountains and Iii Basin are carried by dust storm not only in glacial but in inter-glacial. 形成黄土的粉尘主要是以尘暴方式搬运,且冰期和间冰期都有尘暴堆积。
- Fashion Travelling - Heng Shan Mountain 时尚旅游-恒山
- Fashion Travelling - Huang Shan Mountain 时尚旅游-黄山
- Fashion Travelling - Tai Shan Mountain 时尚旅游-泰山
- Subsequently reporters accompanying complaints came to some owners in the district Ning Shan mountains 138 tablets of the Shenyang Xiang Feng Hua Yuan Park. 随后记者随同投诉的一些业主来到了位于皇姑区宁山中路138号的沈阳翔凤华园的园区内。
- Driven to Join the Liang Shan Mountain Rebels 逼上梁山
- Qin Ling and Ba Shan Mountain Areas 秦巴山区
- The analysis of grain size of later Pleistocene loess covering on the northern slop of Tian Shan Mountains and Ili Basin shows that the Tian Shan Loess is composed mainly of silt, accounting for 60-70%, and some clay, accounting for 15-20%. 摘要天山北坡和伊犁盆地晚更新世典型黄土剖面粒度分析表明,天山黄土以粉砂为主,占60-70%25左右,粘粒含量一般在15-20%25之间。
- Daqing Shan 大青山
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- The loess covering on the northern slop of Tian Shan Mountains derives from the desert in Junggar Basin but the loess depositing in Iii Basin may come from the desert of Central Aisa and the lower reach of Iii River. 天山北坡黄土物质主要来源于其北部的准噶尔盆地中的沙漠,伊犁盆地黄土粉尘则来自中亚荒漠和伊犁河下游沙漠地区。
- Do you know what is meant by mountain time? 你知道山区时间是什么意思吗?