- Danjiangkou Reservoir Region 丹江口库区
- In the Danjiangkou Reservoir area, eutrophication is the major pollution. 富营养化是丹江口水库污染治理的重点。
- As part of Chinese traditional architecture, the vernacular architectures of Danjiangkou Reservoir zone have . 大坝加高后,湖北省境内的十堰市、丹江口市、郧县、郧西县被纳入丹江口水库淹没区。
- Xichuan the Danjiangkou Reservoir is the source of North Water Transfer Project. 淅川的丹江口水库是南水北调中线工程的源头。
- The Danjiangkou reservoir is the water source area of the middle route project of S-N water transfer. 丹江口水库为南水北调中线工程水源地。
- Here from the Wudang Mountain about 50 kilometers from the Danjiangkou Reservoir less than 30 km. 这里距离武当山大约50公里,离丹江口水库不到30公里。
- After builded of Sanmenxia Reservoir, Tongguan is in the reservoir region. 三门峡水库修建后,潼关处于水库库区,河床淤积抬高。
- The experimental results can provide basic data for the study on the evaluation of reservoir induced-seismicity in Danjiangkou reservoir area. 研究成果可为丹江口水库诱发地震评价研究提供基础数据和参考。
- The impacts of the Danjiangkou Reservoir on ecosystems of the middle and lower reaches of the Han River were further analyzed. 进一步分析了丹江口水库的修建对汉江中下游生态水文的影响。
- The causes of danger or risk in aqueducts are discussed,with the Paizi River Aqueduct in the irrigation area of Danjiangkou Reservoir as an example. 针对湖北省大中型灌区混凝土渡槽普遍存在老损率高、破坏严重、制约灌溉效益发挥的现象,以引丹灌区排子河渡槽为研究对象,探讨渡槽出现病险的原因。
- The weighted coefficient optimization method has been applied to a small watershed management in Danjiangkou reservoir area. 摘要应用权重系数优化方法于丹江口库区小流域综合治理中。
- Danjiangkou Reservoir is up to the 2nd class of the state’s quality standard, which is quite favorable to the products processing. 丹江口水库达到国家二类水质标准,对产品加工十分有利。
- Water resources in the Danjiangkou Reservoir shall be maintained at a good quality for the future water diversion by means of optimized ... 通过合理规划、严密监控、科学治理,丹江口水库的水质将能够长期处于优良水质状态,满足调水要求。
- So it is necessary to establish the database of Danjiangkou reservoir induced seismicity which will be applied to the prediction of seismicity,the quakeproof and redu. 所以,有必要对丹江口水库诱发地震数据建立基础数据库,为水库续建工程的地震预测,库区的防灾和减灾服务。
- Li, S., Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Han, H. and Zhang, Q. 2008. Spatial and temporal patterns of the water quality in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, China. Hydrological Science Journal. 李思悦;谭香;徐志方;张全发.;2008
- During the middle route of South-to-North water diversion project", the resettlement and reconstruction problems in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area becomes acute one. 摘要在南水北调中线工程中,做好丹江口水库移民工作十分重要。
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Changes in Land Cover in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Region. 三峡库区土地覆被动态变化遥感分析。
- While the PEBI method was used for reservoir region,the geometry of complex reservoir could be well approximated. 混合PEBI网格具有计算效率高、稳定性好、运用灵活等特点,能适应精细油藏数值模拟的需要。
- Totaling 1,240 km in length, the project will draw water from the Danjiangkou Reservoir, build water channels and divert water to Beijing and Tianjin via the Yakou watershed in Fangcheng, Zhengzhou in Henan and the Yellow River. 中线工程全线长1240公里。具体规划为:从丹江口水库引水,修渠道经分水岭方城垭口,到郑州,过黄河,修渠道引水到北京、天津。
- The ecological fragility of the Three-Gorges Reservoir Region makes it of particular significance to conserve biodiversity in the region. 三峡库区是一生态系统的脆弱区,其生物多样性保护有着特殊的意义。