- Dangerous men walk among us. 危险的人在我们之中潜伏。
- Dangerous men walk around us. 危险的男人在我们身边游走。
- Frank Lucas is the most dangerous man walking the streets of our city. 在我们的城市里,弗兰克-卢卡斯是最危险的一个。
- Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us. 像一个年轻的母亲走在我们其中,对她自己的荣耀有着几分害羞。
- Detective Richie Roberts: Frank Lucas is the most dangerous man walking the streets of our city. 里奇。罗伯茨警官:弗兰克。卢卡斯是行走在我们城市街头最危险的人。
- You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces. 你的性灵与我们同行,你的影子宛如照亮我们脸上的光。
- The aggrieved and the injured say, "Beauty is kind and gentle.Likea young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us. 伤心痛苦者说:"美是善良而温柔的。她像一位因自己的荣耀而半含羞涩的年轻母亲,走在我们的身边。
- The expense involved will be shared among us. 所花费用将由我们共同负担。
- She recognized in Roger a dangerous man. 她意识到罗杰是个危险人物。
- He tried to sow discontent among us. 他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。
- Disc Three: The Creature Walks Among Us 盘三:我们之中的生物
- A minister of foreign affairs who lacks tact is a dangerous man. 一个缺乏机智的外交部长是个很危险的人物。
- I saw an old man walk across the street. 我看见一位老人走过街道。
- The difficulties among us should be resolved by consultations. 我们间的问题应通过磋商来解决。
- The young man walked at the head of the parade. 那年轻人走在游行队伍最前面。
- The man walked into the house in the dark. 那人摸黑走进了屋内。
- The man walked along with an unsteady gait. 那人脚步不稳地向前走去。
- We men are imperfect beings, so conflicts among us are unavoidable. 我们人类皆是不完美的造物,所以彼此之间必然会起争执。
- Fanucci himself was a dangerous man, not so easily killed. 法努其本人也是个危险人物,杀掉他并不那么容易。
- He insisted that the cakes be shared out among us. 他一定要把糕点拿来让我们分着吃。