- Daisy and Herbie are chatting. 黛丝与郝毕正聊着天。
- Philippa and Brad are chatting on campus. 菲利帕和布莱德在校园里聊天。
- Peter and Xiao Yun are chatting. 彼得和小云正在聊天。
- A boy and a girl are chatting charmingly together. 一个男孩和一个女孩正在娓娓交谈。
- They are chatting away nineteen to the dozen. 他们正在说个不停。
- Abby and Kyle are chatting at work. 艾比和凯尔工作时在闲聊。
- I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular. 我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。
- Philippa and Brad are chatting on campus . 菲利帕和布莱德在校园里聊天。
- I preferthe daisy and the knapweed in particular. 我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。
- Daisy and Jack both have a garden. 戴西和杰克都有花园
- Herbie was dead and Sheila a stranger, she was right. 赫比死了,希拉视同陌路,她说得对。
- They were chatting away nineteen to the dozen. 他们聊个没完。
- They were chatting (away) in the corner. 他们在角落里闲谈。
- We are chatting away about old times. 我们正在闲谈往事。
- The adventurers are chatting on the market place. 冒险家正在市场地方上闲谈。
- Where are the children? They are chatting online. 孩子们在哪里?他们在网上聊天。
- People were chatting over fresh and tender fruits. 人们一边说笑,一边品尝着这些鲜嫩的瓜果梨桃。
- We were chatting and overshot our turn-off. 我们光顾着聊天,错过了岔道。
- The parents are chatting and their children are playing with toys about them. 父母们在聊天,孩子们在他们的旁边玩玩具。
- Who was that pretty girl you were chatting up last night? 昨晚你与之谈笑风生的那个漂亮姑娘是谁?