- Dai ethnic group in Yunnan 云南傣族
- Nearly 1000 pairs of twins gathered in Mojiang, an autonomous county of the Hani ethnic group in Yunnan, Friday to sing and dance, celebrating the annual twin's festival (see photo). 5月1日,近千对各国双胞胎汇聚云南省墨江哈尼族自治县,载歌载舞,欢庆一年一度的墨江国际双胞胎节(见图)。
- The folk tales of gourd are told among the Lahu, Lisu, Wa, Naxi, Miao and Yao ethnic groups in Yunnan. 云南的拉祜、傈僳、佤、纳西、苗、瑶等少数民族,都有葫芦神话。
- Dage Dance is a common way among young people to make friends in many ethnic groups in Yunnan. 打歌(跳土风舞)是云南很多民族的青年男女交友择偶的最常见的方式。
- Zang ethnic group in Yunnan province 云南藏族
- Dai opera reflects the history of the Dai ethnic group. 这出傣剧反映了傣族的历史。
- In the mind of the Dai ethnic group, it stands for auspiciousness and beauty. 在傣族人民心中是祥瑞与美丽的象征
- A Study on Praying for Rain of the Hui Ethnic Group in Yunnan Province 云南回族祈雨文化探微
- the Miao-Yao ethnic groups in Yunnan 云南苗瑶系
- For example, "taleken" of Tajik ethnic group, "hanhai" (lament) of Dai ethnic group. 塔吉克族的"塔勒肯",傣族的"喊海"则为"悲歌"之意。
- The long prevalence of Buddhism in the society of Dai ethnic group heavily and profoundly influenced the character,the theme and the thought of folk story in Dai ethnic group,hence the folk story of Dai ethnic group got a new life. 由于佛教在傣泰民族社会长期盛行,对傣泰民族民间故事的人物、题材、思想等方面都产生了深远影响,傣泰民族民间故事因此获得新的活力;
- The Mosu are an ethnic group living in Yunnan who have a fascinating way of living. 摩苏人是居住在云南省的一个少数民族,他们的生活方式十分奇特。
- The Zhuang, Bouyei and Dai ethnic groups are all descendants of Baiyue people good at planting rice. 壮族、布依族和傣族一样,都是古代善种水稻的百越人的后裔,
- Regions inhabited by ethnic groups in compact communities? 推动社会进步怎么说啊?
- dance of ethnic group in Yunnan 云南少数民族舞蹈
- Chile Minority is one of the 56 ethnic groups in our country. 敕勒族是我国五十六个民族中的一员。
- Objective The purpose of this study is to carry out computer measurement of the craniofacial organs of Bulang minority ethnic group from Menghai County in Yunnan. 目的:对云南省勐海县布朗山的布朗族人头面部器官进行全面系统地测量研究。
- The third-month Fair, a traditional festival of the Bai ethnic group in Dali, Yunnan Province, dates back 1300 years to the Tang Dynasty. 三月街是云南大理白族人民的传统节日,可以追溯到1300年前的唐朝。
- Objective To systematically measure the craniofacial organs of Bulang minority ethnic group in Shuangjiang County of Yunnan province. 目的对云南省双江县邦丙乡布朗族头面部器官进行全面系统地测量研究。
- An Ethnological Observation on the Wedding Ceremony of Yi Ethnic Groups in Yunnan--A Case Study of Zhi Zuo Village 云南彝族婚礼的民族学观察--以永仁县直苴村为例