- The stone sculpture of Dai ailian is one of them. 其中之一便是戴爱莲的石雕头像。
- Dai ailian resolutely returned to her homeland in 1939 after the anti-Japanese War broke out. 戴爱莲于抗日战争爆发后的1939年毅然回国
- In 1953, Dai ailian choreographed it again, fully demonstrating the cleanness of the lotus that rises out of the silt. 1953年,戴爱莲以高超的编舞技法进行了再创造,以比兴的手法,表现了荷花出淤泥而不染的秉性,
- Though Jia Zuoguang came after Wu Xiaobang and Dai ailian, his creative contributions rank him among the pioneers of new Chinese dance. 贾作光的舞蹈生涯虽然比吴晓邦、戴爱莲晚一茬,但他的开拓性贡献,使其无愧于跻身先驱者的行列。
- Dai ailian was born in Trinidad and Tobago, an independent republic in the West Indies in 1916, with her forefathers living abroad for many years. 戴爱莲于1916年生于西印度群岛的特立尼达共和国,祖辈侨居海外多年。
- Such forerunners in the dance field as Wu Xiaobang, Dai ailian and Liang Lun had all conducted meaningful research into this field. 吴晓邦、戴爱莲、梁伦等新舞蹈艺术的先躯都为此做出过有意义的探索
- Dai Ailian,a Pioneer in Modern Chinese Dance 戴爱莲,自强不息的“舞蹈之母”(英文)
- dai ailian's art career entered a golden period on the foundation of the People's Republic of China. 随着中华人民共和国的建立,戴爱莲的艺术生涯进入了辉煌期。
- Dai Ailian 戴爱莲
- The Bill can not ride that horse, but Dai Anna can. 比尔不能骑那匹马,但黛安娜能。
- The Bill can not ride that horse,but Dai Anna can. 比尔不能骑那匹马,但黛安娜能。
- His death is weightier than Mount Tai. 他的死比泰山还重。
- Mount Tai can be seen dimly in the morning mist. 泰山在晨雾中依稀可见。
- Very grateful for small Dai was very moved. 小玳很感激很感动。
- There is no more need to see Dai Kui. 何必一定要见着戴逵呢。
- My friend Dai Kui plays the zither so well. 我的朋友戴逵弹得一手好琴。
- Guangzhou Drome Dai International Trading Co., Ltd. 广州中代国际贸易有限公司。
- Make it under the name of Alex Dai. 记在戴先生的名下。
- So the entire attire is called "pi xing dai yue". 所以呢就被称為“披星戴月”。