- DOD Aims System Program Office 国防部目标系统计划处
- National Airspace System Program Office 全国空域系统计划处
- Brilliant Eye System Program Office 布理恩风眼系统计划办公室
- Defense Satellite Communications System Program Office 国防卫星通信系统计划办公室
- Air Force Local Area Network Systems Program Office 空军局域网系统计划办公室
- Automated Systems Program Office 自动系统计划办公室
- Communications Systems Program Office 通信系统计划办公室
- In 1988, Congress directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to establish a Joint Program Office for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and develop a master plan for military UAVs. 1988年,议会令防御部为为无人飞行器建立综合项目办公室,研究军用无人飞行器的全局计划。
- The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun. 坦克中的陀螺仪用于稳定火炮的瞄准系统。
- The program office provides specialized computing and high-speed network services that enable DOD laboratories and test centers to conduct advanced technological research. 高性能计算现代化计划办公室提供专用的计算和高速网络服务,从而允许国防部的实验室和实验中心可以进行先进技术的研究。
- Base and Installation Security Systems Program Office 基地与设施安全系统计划办公室
- Side-marking aim system creates straight putts and consistent result at correct speed. 正确速度下;在球侧印制的箭头标记能增加直行推杆及结果一致性.
- BMEWS System Program Office 弹道导弹预警系统计划办公室
- Naval Air System Program Office 海军航空系统项目办公室
- The system of teaching management contains its group system,aim system of teaching management,its regulation system,and supervision and guarantee system in teaching quality. 教学管理体系包括教学管理组织体系、教学管理目标体系、教学管理制度体系、教学质量监控与保障体系。
- One of the system programs is called the compiler. 这些系统程序当中有一种叫做编译程序。
- A kind of computer language for system programming. 一种系统程序设计用的计算机语言。
- System Program Office 弹道导弹预警系统计划办公室
- The thesis aims systemizes the Japanese energy policy trends and the system of energy law in the purpose of contributing to China's energy legislation. 本文系统梳理了日本能源政策动向,探讨了日本能源法律制度的特点及其对我国能源立法的启示,以期为我国能源立法尽绵薄之力。
- Director of the Sino-Canada Program Office and approved by the Principals. 获奖学生由中加项目办公室授予荣誉证书及奖品。