- Chromosomal DNA replication starts at the sites called Origins by forming replication forks. 染色体DNA的复制是由许多复制起点处形成的起始复制叉开始的。
- Irrespective of how DNA replication stress is induced,the collapse of DNA replication forks occurs preferentially at specific chromosomal locicalled common fragilesites(23). 不管DNA复制应答是怎样被诱导的,DNA复制叉的崩溃会有选择性的发生在染色体的易碎位点(23)。
- DNA replication fork DNA复制叉
- Hypothesize how a protein might possibly act as a primer for DNA replication. 试想一种蛋白质怎样能成为DNA复制所用的引物。
- DNA damage by mutagens has very serious consequences for DNA replication. 试比较切除修复和光复活机制是如何清除由紫外线诱导形成的嘧啶二聚体的?
- Until recently, it was generally assumed that sister-chromatid cohesion can only be generated at replication forks where DNA is synthesized. 不久前,一直认为姐妹染色单体内聚力只在DNA合成的复制点产生。
- When SV40 enters a cell, it produces T antigen, which functions to trigger viral DNA replication. 当SV40病毒进入细胞时会产生T抗原,它的作用是触发病毒DNA繁殖。
- DNA replication is one of the crucial steps to normal cell division.This process is regulated elaborately. DNA复制是细胞分裂的中心环节之一,在细胞周期中受到严谨的调控。
- This paper summarizes the roles of minichromosome maintenace proteins in DNA replication. 本文就微小染色体维持蛋白在复制中的作用简单综述。
- Vaccinia virus B1R gene product acts as protein kinase with an essential role in viral DNA replication. 牛痘病毒B1R基因产物是一个蛋白激酶,在病毒的DNA复制中起着重要作用。
- PURPOSE Minichromosome maintenance proteins(MCMs) are members of the prereplicative complex that is essential for eukaryotic DNA replication. 目的 微型染色体维持蛋白(minichromosome maitenance proteins,MCMs)已经被证明为真核细胞复制前复合体的必需组成成分,是真核细胞DNA复制起始所必需的。
- This family expresses periodically to regulate DNA replication and ensure DNA replication once and only once in every cell cycle. 该蛋白家族呈周期性表达,调节DNA复制,使得每个细胞周期的DNA复制一次且仅有一次。
- Additionally, p21 can act as an inhibitor of DNA replication through its association with PCNA, a protein required for processive DNA synthesis. 它还可以通过C端与PCNA相互作用,阻断PCNA活化DNA聚合酶的活性从而抑制DNA的合成,使细胞周期停滞。
- Most of our knowledge about initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication are derived from the study of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 真核生物DNA复制起始机制的大部分知识主要是在芽殖酵母中获得的。
- The nuclear matrix provides structural support for several processes such as DNA replication,transcription,and RNA splicing and transport. 细胞恶变以及肿瘤细胞由低度变成高度恶性的过程中,都会发生恶性转化。
- Novak, B. and J. J. Tyson. "Modeling the Control of DNA Replication in Fission Yeast." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997): 9147-52. “控制分裂酵母菌的DNA复制模型”。美国期刊“国家学院科学论文集”第94卷。第9147到9152页。
- These results can help us to learn the composition of CTF/NF-1 and explain the complicated functional mechanism of CTF/NF-1 in the process of DNA replication and transcription. 这一结果对阐明CTF/NF-1复杂多样的调控机制及其组成种类有重要意义。
- GMA had positive results in Ames test and mouse bone marrow micronucleus test. GMA bound with DNA convalently, induced UDS and inhibited DNA replication in lymphocyte in vitro. GMA在Ames试验和小鼠骨髓微核试验得到阳性结果,GMA可与DNA共价结合,在体外淋巴细胞培养诱导UDS和抑制DNA复制。
- Results The overall positive rate of MSI in CRC were 47.2%(25/53). 23 case(23/53,43.4%) have MSI at 2 or more than 2 loci which showed DNA replication error(RER)-positive. 结果53例大肠癌中25例存在微卫星不稳定;总阳性率为47.;2%25;其中23例存在2个以上位点的MSI;呈复制误差阳性(RER阳性);占43
- Take the left fork at the crossroads. 到十字路口取左边的岔道。