- DMD holograph display system DMD全息显示系统
- By field test, the demo Auto-stereoscopic Display system based on single DMD can primarily get work. 经系统仿真、测试,本文所设计和实现的基于单片DMD的自由立体显示系统达到了初步的演示效果。
- LCD ,DMD spatial photomodulator device, the laser display system and based on which along with new style grating valve(GLV) photomodulator device are presented. 介绍了LCD、DMD空间光调制器件以及基于LCD、DMD器件的激光显示系统。
- The phase-only hologram is reconstructed via digital micromirror device (DMD ) hologram display system, and the result proves the effect of reconstruction. 二值全息图通过数字微镜器件全息显示系统进行了重构显示,重构效果很好。
- Guangzhou Transworld Display System Co., Ltd. 广州天围展览器材有限公司。
- However, it comes with a proprietary graphics display system. 不过,它包括一个专有的图形显示系统。
- The display system "looks" for the zero crossing of the sync pulse. 终端显示系统将识别这个同步脉冲的过零跳变。
- The extended display system can be enabled/disabled in the options. 扩展显示系统可以启用/禁用的选项。
- Design and Achievement of Human's Breath Detection Apparatus Display System. 人体呼吸探测仪显示系统的设计与实现。
- The equipments are RAMS3000 intergrade control and display system for all weather &low altitude flight. 设备有用于全天候和贴地飞行的RAMS3000综合控制与显示系统。
- To improve the situation, the Observatory has developed an in-house Weather Information Display System. 为此,天文台自行开发了一套天气资讯显示系统。
- Thickness of DCG film is one factor influencing the technicaltargets of holographic display screen. DCG膜层的厚度是影响全息显示屏光学性能指标的一个重要因素。
- Since the development of the digital display system, we have been researching the answer for this question. 自从数字医疗显示系统诞生初始,我们就在努力的寻找该问题的答案。
- Thickness of DCG film is one factor influencing the technical targets of holographic display screen. DCG膜层的厚度是影响全息显示屏光学性能指标的一个重要因素。
- DMD holograph system DMD全息系统
- This deep memory and display system is not a special mode; it is available on every measurement pass at full speed. 深存储器和显示系统都不是特定的工作模式,可在全速运行的每一次测量完成后使用。
- The advanced elec-mechanic control system includes inverter control system, spinning process monitoring system and parameter display system. 先进的机电一体化控制,具有变频调速,纺纱工艺参数检测及中英文显示功能。
- Catalog stored procedures, for displaying system information in tabular form. 分类存储过程,用于以表格形式显示系统信息。
- Furthermore,the paper also discusses the influence of after treatment upon the quality of holographic display screen.At the end,the author raises some prob lems remain unsolved. 优选出满足课题要求的拍摄光路、并讨论了后处理工艺对全息显示屏质量的影响,最后还提出了一些尚待解决的问题。
- In order to provide the vision telepresence to the operator, stereo-vison display system is built. 研究了基于头盔显示器的立体视觉显示原理,为遥操作者提供具有临场感的视觉反馈。