- He watched her suffering with clinical detachment. 他冷漠地看著她遭受的痛苦。
- He answered with an air of detachment. 他以超然的神态回答。
- He showed detachment in his judgements. 他表现出独到的见解。
- The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. 从主力部队派遣的小分队遭到敌人的伏击。
- The wreck was caused by the detachment of two cars from the train. 那次失事是因两节车厢与火车脱开造成的。
- It's primed with det cord and blasting caps. 它是由绝缘线路与爆破雷管所引爆
- It has been shown that using the sonar to det... 试验研究表明,通过声纳测障,可使集矿机按规划路径进行绕障行走。
- The industry leader in virus det... 网站简介: Award-winning antivirus software.
- Du har inte en aning om hur det kort kunde... 翻译 - 瑞典语-巴西葡萄牙语 - dummer?
- Don't detach the coach from the train. 别把这个车厢从火车上拆下来。
- Det finns cirka 2 000 olika arter. 一般海星有五条“腕”,从身体中间伸出。
- The young people lost everything on the det. 那个年轻人把什么都输掉了.
- Kan jeg g?re det hele bedre n?r jeg kommer igen? 当我再来的时候,我能做的更好吗?
- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脱现实是不可能的。
- We should detach good apples from bad. 我们必须把好的苹果与坏的分开.
- A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang. 一个孩子就慢慢地从这个帮伙中退出去。
- He sat there with an air of aloof detachment. 他以冷漠超然的神态坐在那边。
- Learn to lovingly detach and trust their process. 应该学会满怀爱意地旁观,并且相信他们会走向成功。
- He was operated on for detachment of the retina. 他作了视网膜剥离手术。
- The advance detachment has engaged the enemy. 先头部队打响了。