- Double arms Electric bridge 双臂电桥
- The Study on the Condition of Greatest Value of the Single Arm Electric Bridge Sensitivity 单臂电桥灵敏度最大值条件的研究
- In order to detect the ground faults exactly, this paper points out a new method named HOER Electric Bridge that can efficiently solve the problem of detecting ground faults for DC system. 该方法无需外加信号,即可完善地解决直流系统的接地检测问题,并且不受系统电容的影响;
- For example, when crouching, we can choose the most appropriate hour hip reach before hasten open wide double arm. 例如,在蹲下的时候,我们能选择最恰当的时刻把臀部趋前及敞开双臂。
- Climbs Hou on the Bin face to sweat profusely, the double arm blue vein storm leaves. 攀缘中的侯斌脸上大汗淋漓,双臂青筋暴出。
- The butterfly is the most difficult and exhausting stroke and is done in a prone position with a dolphin kick and a windmill-look double arm movement. 蝶泳是难度最大且费劲的泳式。蝶泳是身体朝下,双腿如海豚般起伏打水,双臂同时划水并提出水面前伸。
- All over the sky stars, the broad interspace do not look the boundary, the miner, you use that sturdy double arm to trade our material, you used the sweat to water our homeland. 满天的星辰、广阔的星际望不到边际,矿工,您用那粗壮的双臂换来我们的材料,您用汗水浇灌了我们的家园。
- The 2nd, two legs are the same as shoulder breadth apart, extend double arm, it is axes with the waist, the retroversion before making moves. 第二节,两腿分开同肩宽,伸展双臂,以腰为轴心,作前后屈运动。
- On the basis of conventional instrumented wheelset, an electric bridge to induce the changes of contact point is added. 在常规测力轮对的基础上,通过增加1个电桥感应作用点位置的变化。
- In the snatch competition, requests the contestant to unbend the double arm, continuously act with the barbell has lifted the top of the head. 在抓举比赛中,要求选手伸直双臂,用一次连续动作将杠铃举过头顶。
- Commonly used has the galvanometer, the amperemeter, a volt idea, the electric bridge, the potential difference counts and so on. 常用的有电流表,电流表,电压的概念,电桥,电位差计数等。
- East Deyang the steam middle school Tan century teacher opens own double arm dutifully, closely shields the student under the body, has written great Shi Ai with the life. 德阳东汽中学谭千秋教师义无反顾地张开自己的双臂,将学生紧紧地掩护在身下,用生命书写了伟大的师爱。
- The original transplant was conducted by Prof Dubernard's team at the Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyons, who have since performed the world's first double arm transplant. 该项移植手术是由里昂市德EdouardHerriot医院的杜拜合纳德教授进行的,他曾经成功移植世界上首例双臂移植。
- speed regulating system of DC double closed-loop 直流双闭环调速系统
- On the even and smooth pure diamond, covered filmed optional growing technology is used to direction-fixed deposit four B doped diamond resistance to form Wegence electric bridge to prepare the self-compensated pressure sensor CMOS chip. 在平整、光滑本征金刚石膜上,利用掩膜法选择性生长技术,定向沉积4个掺硼金刚石膜电阻,形成惠斯顿电桥,制成自补偿压力传感器芯片。
- In this paper, the principle of roller nonosculant temperature measurement with gas-chink coupled rolling tranformer and WIEN electric bridge is described,and the realized method is given as well. 描述了使用气隙耦合式旋转变压器和文氏电桥实现旋转体温度非接触测量原理 ,给出了实现方法
- If feminine flexibility is good, can lean the head on knee, double arm holds crus in arms. 如果女人的柔韧性好,可以把头靠在膝盖上,双臂抱住小腿。
- Classics year there is one to pull on the sand bank that does not cease smooth 78 sprinkler, sprinkler double arm is extended continuously, resemble volant the curassow that is about to fly. 经年不息的沙子河岸上有一拉溜七八架水车,水车双臂直伸,像展翅欲飞的大鸟。