- 研究了N d-四甘醇醛缩苯丙氨酸Sch iff碱配合物(N dL)与天然和变性DNA的相互作用。The interaction of Nd-noncyclic polyether-phenylalanine schiff base(NdL) with native and denatural calf thymus DNA was studied by absorption and fluorescence spectra.
- Schǒdinger-cat态Schrǒdinger-cat state
- 非线性Sch例inger方程nonlinear Schrodinger equation
- 维生素Dvitamin(e)
- 温度和湿度对伴性赤蚁sch系统致死性的影响Effects of High Temperature and Low Humidity on the Lethality of sch Embryo of the Silkworm
- A/D转换器A/D converter
- 这意味着Sch-M锁在释放前将阻止所有外围操作。This means the Sch-M lock blocks all outside operations until the lock is released.
- D玻璃纤维D-glass fibre
- 读取操作不获取页锁或行锁,只获取SCH-S表锁。Read operations acquire no page or row locks; only SCH-S table locks are acquired.
- 家蚕伴性赤蚁sch胚胎期致死特异蛋白差异的研究Study on Special Proteins of Embryo Lethality of sch Silkworm, Bombyx mori
- D25 - ( OH ) 2 Vit D3
- 性病(略为V.D.)venereal disease
- 保持该锁期间,Sch-M锁将阻止对表进行并发访问。During the time that it is held, the Sch-M lock prevents concurrent access to the table.
- d>(iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity
- 家蚕sch系统胚胎期高温致死性的基因表达差异研究Studies on the gene Differential Expression of the High-temperature Lethality of Bombyxmori sch System During Embryonic Stage
- D-U-N-S?The D-U-N-S?
- 读取操作只需要SCH-S表级别的锁,不需要页锁或行锁。Read operations require only SCH-S table level locks and no page or row locks.
- D 大调the key of D major
- 控制sch单养雄蚕品种雌雄蚕孵出比例的催青处理因素研究Research on Incubating Factors Controlling Ratio of Hatching Male and Female of sch Monocultural Farming of Male Silkworm Race
- dégagé低领女服