- Don't scrape your feet on the floor. 别用脚蹭著地板。
- He led his life, pinching and scraping. 他省吃俭用地过日子。
- I can just scrape along on what my parents give me. 我靠父母扶养勉强过活。
- Can you scrape up enough money for a holiday? 你能凑够了钱去度假吗?
- Cytologic scraping 细胞学刮片
- He have scrape together enough money to buy a car. 他已凑足了买一辆汽车的钱。
- Mary scrape her knee when she fall off her bike. 玛丽从脚踏车上摔下来擦伤了膝盖。
- The lorry shaved the barrier, scraping its side. 那辆卡车掠过路障,刮坏了车身。
- Billy just managed to scrape through the larder window. 比利勉勉强强地钻过了食品储藏室的窗户。
- I manage to scrape a living by selling my pictures. 我靠卖画 口。
- He heard the scrape of footsteps up the stairs. 他听到有人上楼的嚓嚓的脚步声。
- He fell off the bike and got a scrape on his knee. 他从脚踏车上摔下来,擦破了膝盖。
- Let's scrape up the dirt from the yard. 让我们把院子里的垃圾扫扫拢。
- The waiter showed us to our table with much bowing and scraping. 服务员一个劲儿地点头哈腰领我们就座。
- Scraping the snow away, they found a car buried under. 他们把雪铲走后,发现下面埋有一辆小汽车。
- The family can just scrape along but never ask for charity. 这家人只能勉强度日,但从没有要过救济。
- I don't care what he says; I'll not bow and scrape to any man. 我不在乎他说什么,我对任何人都不点头哈腰。
- Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in. 进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。
- Scrape off all the loose flakes of paint before redecorating. 先把翘起来的漆皮刮掉再重新装修。
- The family could just scrape along but never asked for charity. 这家人只能勉强度日,但从没有要过救济。