- Cynanchum glaucescens Hand.-Mazz. 芫花叶白前
- Cynanchum glaucescens(Decne.)Hand.-Mazz. 芫花叶白前
- Cynanchum glaucescens [医] 芫花叶白前
- Alstonia glaucescens (K.Schum.)Monach. 野灯台树
- Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii var. oldhamii 奥氏虎皮楠?
- Cynanchum paniculatum(Bunge)Kitag. 徐长卿
- Cynanchum stauntoni Schltr.exLevl. 柳叶白前
- Cynanchum stauntoni(Decne.)Schltr.exLevl. 柳叶白前
- Cynanchum paniculatum ( Bge. ) Kitag. 徐长卿
- Cynanchum paniculatum (Bge.) Kitag. 徐长卿
- Purification and Properties of a Proteinase from Cynanchum Chinese R.Br. 鹅绒藤蛋白酶的提纯与性质研究。
- Analysis of nutritious composition in cynanchum sp. And polygonum multiflorum thunb. 白首乌、何首乌的营养成分分析比较。
- The author proved that 10 species over which included Sabina vulgrus and Cynanchum komarovii etc.were worth developing. 通过综合分析,认为砂地柏、牛心朴等10余种植物具有明显的开发研究价值。
- Object To gain a clear idea on the resources of medicinal plantsof Cynanchum L. (Asclepiadaceae) in Gansu Province. 目的搞清甘肃鹅绒藤属药用植物资源情况。
- Objective To identify 4 similar crude drugs from Cynanchum forrestii,C.inamoenum,C.paniculatum,C.mongolicum. 目的鉴定鹅绒藤属4种性状相似的药材。
- Objective The components of the volatile oil from Cynanchum atratum were analyzed. 目的分析直立白薇挥发油的化学成分。
- They were Cynanchum acutum ssp. sibiricum, C. boudieri, C.mongolicum, C.paniculatum, C.thesioides, C.wilfordii. 它们是:戟叶鹅绒藤、牛皮消、华北白前、徐长卿、地梢瓜、隔山消。
- The essential oil from root of Cynanchum paniculatum(Bge.) Kitag was analyzed by SPME/GC/MS for the first time. 首次采用固相微萃取/气相色谱/质谱(SPME/GC/MS)联用技术对徐长卿根挥发油的成分进行分析,并用峰面积归一化法测定相对百分含量。
- Alstonia glaucescens Monach. 野灯台树
- Ten known compounds were isolated from the ethanolic extract of the roots of Cynanchum ko-marovii Al. 从采自宁夏的萝摩科鹅绒藤属植物牛心朴子(Cynanchum komarovii Al.