- Cylicostephanus goldi 高氏杯冠线虫
- That leaves you the ability to price them yourself. wow goldworld of warcraft goldI usually like to throw in a vanity weapon, usually like the Kobold Mining Shovel and price it higher. 舅公小时候念过几年私塾,会写一手“乡下人”看起来不赖的毛笔字,在我们那样的边远山区,算得上是个“懂文化”的人,每逢村里要出什么通知,或者哪家嫁娶要写对联,他都乐意帮忙,从不计较报酬。
- Cylicostephanus 杯冠[线虫]属, 环冠[线虫]属
- Cylicostephanus barbatus 髯毛杯冠线虫
- Goldiş 戈尔迪什
- Cylicostephanus calicatus 卡利克特杯冠线虫
- Cylicostephanus hybridus 杂种杯冠线虫
- Cylicostephanus longibursatus 长伞杯冠线虫
- Cylicostephanus minutus 微小被冠线虫