- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- Cultural relics excavated 出土文物
- Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum. 博物馆展出了许多出土文物。
- All these are valuable cultural relics. 都是非常珍贵的文物。
- Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept. 这里保存着珍贵的文化遗迹。
- I am interested in cultural relics. 外宾: 我对古文物很感兴趣。
- These cultural relics are well preserved. 这批文物保存得很完好。
- Can Cultural Relics Be Freely Purchased? 文物可以自由买卖吗?
- Mangshan eas seemed as Golconda by the ancient emperor and gentry,the tumuluses are very denseness,there have been excavated out Countless ancient cultural relics. 俗话说“邙山上无卧牛之地”,即指这里遍地古墓,而在这些带着历史气息的文物中,陶器占了绝大部分。
- How to determine the date of a cultural relic? 怎样鉴定文物年代?
- They exhibited unearthed cultural relics of the Han Dynasty. 他们展览了出土的汉代文物。
- The cultural relics are displayed in chronological sequence. 文物按年代顺序展出。
- The cultural relic discovered lately dates from the Ming Dynasty. 最近发现的文物属于明朝。
- They exhibited unearthed cultural relics of the Han Dynasty . 他们展览了出土的汉代文物。
- Cultural relics in Tibet are put under full protection. 西藏地区的文物受到了全面的保护。
- In old Tibet, cultural relic protection was virtually nonexistent. 在旧西藏,文物保护几乎是空白。
- Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited in the museum. 博物馆展出许多出土文物。
- It's famous for its scenic beauty and rich cultural relics. 杭州以以她美丽的景色和丰富的文化古迹而闻名。
- What cultural relics are there in the place where you live? 在你生活的地方有什么文化遗迹吗?
- Unearthed cultural relics was exhibited here last month. 上个月在这里展出了出土文物。