- Cultural Industries Policy 文化产业政策
- On Several Principles Must Be Obeyed in Setting Cultural Industry Policy 论制定文化产业政策必须遵循的几个原则
- Cultural market and cultural industries have boomed. 三)文化市场和文化产业蓬勃发展。
- Our industrial policy must become more focused. 加大产业政策的聚焦力度。
- Whole cultural industries derived from his much mythologized virility. 整个文化充斥着由他散发出的神话般生命力。
- And is industrial policy an issue? 产业政策会不会成为一个问题?
- He supports an overly strong industrial policy. 他支持过于强硬的工业政策。
- cultural industry policy 文化产业政策
- The tourism industry and cultural industries need to be greatly expanded. 大力发展旅游业和文化产业。
- We should deepen structural reform in the cultural field and actively develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries. 深化文化体制改革,积极发展文化事业和文化产业。
- Nor is it a green light for hamfisted industrial policy. 它也并非为粗暴的产业政策开了绿灯。
- Viridian Entertainment is extremely honoured and proud to be co-producing this film with Jiangsu Cultural Industries Group Company. 维瑞点娱乐公司非常对于能和江苏省文化产业集团合作拍摄这部电影感到万分荣耀。
- On industrial policy, he is an unapologetic interventionist. 在工业政策上,他是一个无可辩驳的干涉主义者。
- Lula's instinctive response to this dilemma is industrial policy. 卢拉对这个困境本能的反应是产业政策。
- In many developing countries, cultural industries are not even recognized as an economic sector. 在许多发展中国家,文化产业甚至不被视为经济部门。
- What does China's Entry into WTO Mean to Cultural Industry? 中国加入WTO对文化产业意味着什么?
- Topic: Creative or cultural industries: the torturous business of defining relationships. 创意产业还是文化产业:界定两者关系的曲折性。
- We may sum up the culture industry policy of the government as following sentences 我们认为政府文化产业导向可以总结为十句话
- The 21st century, no doubt, belongs to the cultural industry. 21世纪,毫无疑问属于文化产业的黄金时代。
- This was his quip encapsulating his strong opposition to industrial policy. 这是他强烈反对工业策略的说法。