- The metropolitan government will also create an environment where the residents of Tokyo can come into contact with and cultivate culture and pass this onto future generations. 都政府也会创立一个居民可以接触和开发文化并把它传给下一代的环境。
- The land previously cultivated returned to forest. 以前开垦过的那片土地现在又成了森林了。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- She cultivated her mind by reading. 她以阅读来修身养性。
- Only one third of the land can be cultivated. 只有三分之一的土地可以耕种。
- To purify the heart and cultivate culture 清心养性
- The trees cultivated in such an area. 果树在这种地区种植的树
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Teachers should,through acculturation and pragmatic analysis,help students to cultivate cultural and contextual awareness to promote their ability in language understanding. 教师应通过文化导入和语用分析,帮助学生培养文化意识和语境意识,以提高语言理解能力。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- Along either side of these conduits, lie the cultivated districts. 在这些导线管的两边是被耕耘了的地区。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- He cultivated many apple trees in the orchard. 他在果园里栽培了许多苹果树。
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- An endangered species; an endangered culture. 濒临绝种的生物种类; 濒临绝传的文化
- Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers. 亚洲灌木,玫瑰红色花。
- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 现代文化的一半以上,有赖于不应读的东西。
- European leek cultivated and used like leeks. 欧洲一种葱,常象冬葱一样栽培和应用。
- This lady has always been gentle and cultivated. 这个女人素来温文尔雅。