- The Ashele Cu polymetallic deposit in northern Xinjiang, which was formed in an active continental margin of SW Siberia in the late Paleozoic, is a marine volcanic massive sulfide deposit. 摘要新疆北部阿舍勒铜锌多金属矿床为海相火山岩型块状硫化物矿床,形成于晚古生代西伯利亚西南缘活动陆缘环境。
- porphyry Cu polymetallic deposit 斑岩型铜多金属矿床
- Menying Cu polymetallic deposit 门营铜多金属矿床
- Cu polymetallic deposit 铜多金属矿床
- Mineralization Environments of the Cu Polymetallic Deposits in the Liupan Shan Arc Structure Belt 六盘山弧形构造带铜多金属矿床的成矿环境
- The Northern Daxinganling area, covered by primeval forest, marsh and frozen earth, is one of the most important regions for Au Cu polymetallic metallogensis. 大兴安岭北部地区是原始森林、沼泽覆盖和冻土区,也是我国重要的金、铜多金属成矿区。
- The Nanjiaohe silver polymetallic deposit belongs to the low temperature sulfide deposit. 南角河银多金属矿床属于低温热液型硫化物矿床。
- Gaojiapuzi large scale Au Ag polymetallic deposit was recently found which was of a new type. 高家堡子大型金银多金属矿床是近年发现的新类型矿床。
- Guigang Guangxi containing gold and silver polymetallic sulfide deposit was amid-thermal polymetallic deposit. 广西贵港含金银多金属硫化矿区属中温热液型矿床。
- The Huanren skarn-type polymetallic deposit is controlled by the skarn in the contact zone between Cambrian limestone and diorite complex body. 摘要桓仁夕卡岩型多金属矿床受控于寒武纪灰岩与燕山期闪长杂岩体接触带之间的夕卡岩。
- These three sorts of models make up the geophysical exploration model of the Qixiashan lead-zinc polymetallic deposit in Nanjing. 这3种模式构成了南京栖霞山铅锌多金属矿床的地球物理勘查模式。
- It shows higher contents of Cu, Pb, Zn and A. The stratabound polymetallic deposits in the Langshan Group were just formed in the taphrogenic trough developing on the crystalline basement composed of this kind of complex. 狼山主峰变质杂岩是该区的结晶基底,中元古代狼山群中的层控多金属矿床,就是在该基底上发育的裂陷槽中形成的。 结晶基底自身的岩石中,Cu、Pb、Zn、Au等元素含量均较高,亦具有一定的找矿前景。
- The formation of Fangniugou polymetallic deposit is unrelated obviously and directly with volcanic activity of the terminal stage of Eealy Paleozoic. 放牛沟多金属矿床的形成与早元古代晚期的火山作用无明显的直接联系,矿床和华力西早期后庙岭花岗岩具有共同的物质来源。
- The Ni-Mo polymetallic deposit in northwestern Hunan is highly enriched by Ni, Mo, Ptgroup elements and As, SE, and etc. 上述地球化学特征表明了湘西北镍钼多金属矿床的形成特征。
- The Daxigou siderite deposit is located in the western part of the orefield and the Yindongzi silver-lead polymetallic deposit is located in the eastern part of the orefield. 大西沟-银洞子矿田由两个相邻的大型矿床组成,西部为大西沟菱铁矿矿床,东部为银洞子银-铅多金属矿床。
- The Yinshan polymetallic deposit in Jiangxi Province is a hydrothermal vein-type deposit closely related to Late Jurassic felsic-intermediate volcanic-subvolcanic activities. 江西银山矿床是一个与火山_次火山热液有关的多金属矿床。
- Emphasis is put on the geodynamic factors depending on which Jinchuan nickle copper deposit,Baiyinchang copper polymetallic deposit and Hanshan gold deposit were formed. 金川镍铜矿床形成于古大陆边缘的裂谷环境早期;
- The ore-bearing fluid of Dabaoshan deposit was relate to magmatic thermal dynamic process and formed hydrothermal sedimentary polymetallic deposit at seafloor . 大宝山型流体与岩浆热动力作用有关,形成海底火山热液沉积多金属矿床;
- Gacun polymetallic deposit, a typical VMS deposit, was subjected to greenschist facies regional metamorphism and related deformation after Indo-Chinese epoch. 摘要四川呷村富银多金属矿床是一个晚三叠世形成的块状硫化物(VMS)矿床,后又经历了绿片岩相条件下的区域变质变形作用改造。
- The Hongtaiping polymetallic deposit lies in the Permian marine volcanic rocks, Palaeozoic geosyncline and the transitional belt of the clastic sedimentrary rocks in the Yanbian area. 红太平多金属矿床产于延边古生代地槽区二叠系海相火山岩中及其与碎屑沉积岩的过渡带上。