- The rapid subsidence of"Bergson fad" involves a variety of reasons, among which one rarely known is discussed in the book "Crisis of Modernism". “柏格森热”迅速降温有多方面的原因 ,《现代主义危机》一书对此提供了一种鲜为人知的解释。
- It aims at saving the crisis of western welfare state, the crisis of materialization of law and the epistemological crisis of modern legal science. 它旨在解决西方福利国家的危机、法律实质化的危机和现代法学的认知危机。
- Literature rereading not only reconstructs the legitimacy position, but also brings about the legitimacy crisis of modern Chinese literature in new period. 摘要新时期(1976-1999年)的文学重读既重建了现代文学的合法性地位,也引发了现代文学的合法性危机。
- The profound and legal crisis of modern moral education in our schools hide in the phenomena of Demoralizing Education which appeared in advanced western countries. 当代西方发达国家出现的“去道德化的教育”现象,暗藏的是现代学校道德教育深刻的合法性危机。
- With the development of economy and technology in modern society, unman beings me involved in a crisis of modernity. 摘要在现代社会经济、技术飞速发展的过程中,人们陷于一种现代性的危机之中。
- Though the development of modern biotechnology is not too long,it brings a gleam of dawn to resolve the crisis of survival and development of human beings,and to realize the social sustainable development stratagem. 现代生物技术发展虽历时短暂,但它为解决人类生存和发展危机,实现可持续发展战略带来了一线曙光,因而倍受世人瞩目。
- I have to confess to a hatred of modern literature. 我得承认我不喜欢现代文学作品。
- Therefore the crisis of modernity has turned into the impossibility of everyday life. 由此,现代性危机转化成日常性的不可能性。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- The symptoms of the end of art such as de-apotheosization of art, commodification and the suicidal gestures of protestation are innate in the crisis of modernity. 艺术终结的种种症候,如艺术的非神圣化、商品化和自杀性的抗议姿态等,内在于现代性的危机之中。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelist. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- What do you think of modern art? 你对现代艺术有何看法?
- The crisis of war united the whole country. 战争的危机使全国团结起来。
- That's a common theme of modern literature. 那是现代文学的一个普遍主题。
- The crisis of modernity cannot be overcome until philosophy retreats from public life and retrieves its own meditative attributes by becoming a private mode of living. 哲学只有作为个人的生活方式,退出公共生活,重新回归自己的沉思本性,现代性危机才能被克服。
- I'm writing a grammar of modern English. 我在写现代英语的语法书。
- There is a crisis of literacy in this country. 在美国存在着读写能力的危机。
- A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times. 现代神话现代被浪漫化或普遍流行的神话
- He thought the crisis of the storm had passed. 他以为暴风雨的险情已经过去了。
- Anglo-Saxon is the forerunner of modern English. 盎格鲁撒克逊语是现代英语的祖先。