- Creel, Herrlee Glessner 顾立雅
- Herrlee Glessner Creel 顾立雅(1905-?),美国人,汉学家。
- Creel draft variation in roving. 粗纱架异外牵伸。
- Jammed roving bobbins at ring frame creel. 细纱机粗纱架上的粗纱太细。
- Excessive creel draft and web tension draft. 条筒牵伸和棉网张力牵伸过大。
- Improper settings in the sliver condensing plate at the creel. 条桶架上搓条板安装不合适。
- It is normal for the device to be sited in the creel very near to the package. 一般筒子架上的张力装置应靠近筒子。
- Creel draft variation and skewers/ bobbin holders clogged with waste. 粗纱架有意外牵伸或吊锭由于飞花堵塞不灵活。
- She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be creel to disillusion her. 她依然相信有圣诞老人,要使她这一幻想破灭还真于心不忍。
- Hence the size and, therefore, the capacity of the creel is limited. 因此筒子架的大小及容量是有限度的。
- Creel draft variation and skewers/bobbin holders clogged with waste. 粗纱架有意外牵伸或吊锭由于飞花堵塞不灵活。
- A buffering mechanism is arranged between the base and the bobbin creel. 底座与筒子支撑架之间设有缓冲机构;
- This frame is known as a creel and its function is to hold the supply packages in a manner so as to facilitate warping. 该架子统称为筒子架或纱架,其作用是使供纱卷装便于整经。
- This zone merely consists of a creel, which holds the old package in an optimum position for unwinding. 该区只包括一个筒子架,卷装在筒子架子上处于有利于退绕的最佳位置。
- In theory, the size of the creel (and therefore the number of packages it may hold)is unlimited. 从理论上讲,筒子架的大小(即它所能容纳的筒子的数目)是没有限制的。
- In practice, and not considering purchase price, the creel size is limited by two factors. 在实际生产中,不考虑价格因素,筒子架的大小受到两方面的限制。
- A conservationist's eyes sparkle as he recalls building dams on Strawberry Creel in the California of his youth. 一位环保员回忆他年轻时在加利福尼亚草莓溪筑水坝的经历时,双眼熠熠闪光。
- A large stone cross welcomes visitors to the San Ignacio Mission church near Creel, Mexico. 在墨西哥克雷厄尔附近的圣伊格纳西奥教会门前,一座巨大的石制十字架迎接着来访者。
- The simple bobbin creel compression device makes bobbin forming pressure is equably. 简单的筒子架加压装置,使筒子成形压力均匀。
- In the case of warping, this means that the ballooning of the yarn coming from the creel package must be controlled. 这就意味着,在整经过程中,对从筒子上退绕下来的纱线形成的气圈要加以控制。