This qualification is equivalent to a degree. 这个资格证书相当于学位证。
Nevertheless, I checked out his credentials. 尽管如此,我还是查看了他的资格证书。
We can enlarge the photo in various sizes. 我们可以把这张照片放大成各种尺寸。
He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
A production enterprise of cosmetics that changes its name shall apply for recertification at the license issuing organ. 化妆品生产企业变更企业名称,必须到发证机关申请更换新证。
No person failing to obtain the SM qualification may act as SM. 未取得高管任职资格的人员不得担任高管人员。
If the application meets the conditions, the licensing shall be granted, and the certificate of SM qualification shall be issued. 符合条件的,准予许可,颁发高管人员任职资格证书。