- Cray Junglefowln. 灰原鸡
- Cray number crunchers discovered the largest prime number. 克来公司的电脑发现了世界上最大的素数。
- Cray: You might be able to find some spare parts there. 葛雷:在那里或许可以找到砂船的零件。
- Cray: I can't fix it... Not without any spare parts. 葛雷:不更换零件,就无法修理了。
- Seymour Cray has achieved recognition as a pioneer of RISC architectures. RISC的设计可以追溯到第一台电子计算机。
- Cray Fish Ramen, it i a non spicy soup with Japanese noodles, and giant prawns. 大虾拉面,不辣的汤底加上爽口的日本进口面条还有新鲜的大虾,美味极了!
- St.Michael's Cathedral is the Middle Ages, the Cardinal Cray Mans V built. 圣米歇尔大教堂是中世纪时,红衣主教克雷芒五世主持修建的。
- Cray: Here, we're in walking distance of the towns along the desert border. 葛雷:从这里用走就可以到附近的城市。
- That done, one stressed and one relaxed junglefowl were pitted against each other in a pen with only one feeder. 完成上述实验后,研究人员将一只受应激的红原鸡和一只自由自在的红原鸡放入同一鸡舍,两只红原鸡为此要争夺一个喂食器;
- Overall, Dr Jensen's junglefowl were better at remembering their way around the maze than were his chickens, whether or not they were stressed. 总的来看,Jensen实验所用的红原鸡无论是否受到应激,其记认迷宫出路的能力都优于家鸡。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life;the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡均生活在“养尊处优”的环境之中,而另两组则从出生5周后开始接受慢性应激。
- These machines, while sometimes cumbersome, can run rings around the Cray on certain scientific problems. 这些机器(电脑)虽然有时嫌笨拙,但在某些科学问题上,胜过“克雷”倒是游刃有余。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful[2] life;the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡均生活在“养尊处优”的环境之中,而另两组则从出生5周后开始接受慢性应激。
- Cross-breeding domestic chickens with wild cocks is found to combine the larger size of domestic fowl with the fierceness of the wild junglefowl. 家养鸡与野生公鸡杂交育种,现在家禽与野生禽类杂交的规模很大。
- One group of junglefowl and a group of chickens lived a contented, uneventful life; the others knew only chronic stress from the age of five weeks. 一组红原鸡和一组来亨鸡饲养环境良好,不用做任何事,另外两组鸡从五周大开始就表现出长期压抑的情况。
- These machines,while sometimes cumbersome,can run rings around the Cray on certain scientific problems. 这些机器(电脑)虽然有时嫌笨拙,但在某些科学问题上,胜过“克雷”倒是游刃有余。
- "When China's National Meteorological Bureau bought mainframe computers from Cray Inc. of the U.S., it just sold us two processors. “中国国家气象局购买美国克雷公司的大型计算机,克雷公司只卖给我们两台处理器。
- KIVA-3 V was written for giant computer, using the Cray FORTRAN(CFT) and CFT77 compilers. 本文工作以移植和开发美国先进内燃机燃烧模拟程序KIVA-3V为基础。
- Sample Text no person deserves your tears,and who deserve them won't make you cray. 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人不会让你哭。
- If you don't stop soliloquizing in the public,people will think you go cray and avoid getting close to you. 如果你不停地在公众场合自言自语,人们会以为你发疯了,躲你躲得远远的。