- They have primed the explosive device. 他们已使爆炸装置准备起爆。
- To remove the fuse from(an explosive device). 从(爆破装置)中卸除引信
- Possessing or manufacturing an explosive device is a felony. 持有或制造爆炸性设备是一条重罪
- A detonator is a device used to trigger an explosive device. 雷管是一种用来引爆爆炸物的设施。
- The part of an explosive device that carries the explosive; a warhead. 子弹头爆炸装置中装有炸药的部分;弹头
- We believe that an explosive device has been left inside a container. 我们认为爆破装置留在了容器中。
- Up to the truck, reload, and wait for the explosive device to go off. 退回卡车处,上子弹,并等着爆炸装置爆炸。
- I enjoy playing with explosive devices. 我喜欢玩爆破装置。
- Last month, a small explosive device detonated in Sochi, killing one. 上个月索契市一个小型引爆装置爆炸,一人死亡。
- An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse. 地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆
- The terrorists fitted many explosive devices in that building. 恐怖分子在那栋大楼里安装了许多爆炸装置。
- Senior republicans are also asking how the man is able to smark the security for explosive device. 共和党高级官员正在质问这个恐怖分子是怎么将爆炸装置混过警方的检查的。
- They say he tried to enter the plant with a small explosive device in the back of his pickup truck. 他们称,该名工人试图将一个放在他卡车后箱的小型爆炸装置带入工厂。
- Any of various submarine explosive devices, especially a submarine mine. 水雷一种水下爆炸装置,物别指潜艇水雷
- Transient pulse test is one kind of nondestructive test method employed to test bridge wire electric explosive device (EED). 摘要瞬态脉冲试验是一种对桥丝式电火工品进行无损检测的方法。
- Any of various submarine explosive devices,especially a submarine mine. 水雷一种水下爆炸装置,物别指潜艇水雷
- The warning was made after an incident occurred June 13 in which an explosive device was found in the Shatin Racecourse. 警方是继六月十三日在沙田马场发现爆炸品的事件而作上述警告。
- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- His unit had been working for hours around a truck wrecked by a buried explosive device, painstakingly recovering the remains of fallen comrades. 当时,他的小组已经数小时地围在一辆被地埋爆炸装置炸毁的卡车残骸旁,艰难地回收战友的遗骸。
- They say the aim was to detonate explosive devices hidden in hand luggage. 他们说目的是引爆藏在手提行李里的爆炸性装置。