- Conclusion COCM invades many vital anatomical structures in cranio orbital junction, and tends to recur. 结论COCM可以侵犯颅眶结合部许多重要解剖结构,且有复发倾向;
- Methods Surgical procedures included removal of cranlai hema toma, contusive and necrotic brain tissues, correction of cranio?orbital defor mity,and repair of dure mater. 方法早期手术治疗包括清除颅内血肿和清除挫伤坏死脑组织,矫正颅眶畸形及视神经管减压、修补脑脊液漏。
- With ultrasonography, orbital tumors are clearly demonstrated in terms of their location, size, as well as the basic tissue type (cystic, solid, angiomatous or infiltrative). 摘要超音波检查可侦检眼窝肿瘤之位置、大小及基本组织型态(囊肿性、实质性、血管瘤性、浸润性)。
- Visual field defects can occur in many kinds of orbital diseases,including optic nerve tumors,orbital tumors compressing optic nerves and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy. 这些疾病可能对视神经造成压迫性、浸润性或炎症性损伤,从而表现为相应的视野缺损。
- Objective To investigate the nursing method for patients of orbital tumor around lateral orbitotomy. 目的探讨眼眶肿瘤外侧开眶术围手术期护理及心理护理的方法。
- Methods:18 cases of the nasal orbital tumor were operated via transconjunctiva with nasal blepharotomy.The incision of the eyelid was carefully sutured. 方法:18例眼眶鼻侧肿瘤,经结膜径路入眶结合眼睑内侧全层切开取出,术毕睑缘缝合需对合整齐。
- Methods:18 cases of the nasal orbital tumor were operated via transconjunctiva with nasal blepharotomy.The incision of the eyelid was carefully sutured. 方法:18例眼眶鼻侧肿瘤,经结膜径路入眶结合眼睑内侧全层切开取出,术毕睑缘缝合需对合整齐。
- Results Orbit tumor of a 21 year old young lady extends the encephalic and endangers the olfactory nerve and optic chiasma, even cause olfaction and visual acuity to be declined. 结果1例21岁女性患者,眼眶肿瘤侵入颅内损伤嗅神经及视交叉,引起嗅觉及视力下降。
- Methods:The sonographic features of 46 patients with intraoculor or orbital tumors confirmed operatively and pathologically were studied retrospectively and were compared to the result of pathology. 方法:本文对46例经手术及病理证实为眼球及眼眶内肿瘤的超声图像特征与病理学诊断进行回顾性对照分析。
- Conclusions For the orbital tumor of children,blood marrow and bone marrow should be examined repeatedly,and for the chloroma without Leukemia,trea tment should be taken as earlier as possible. 结论 对于儿童期眼眶肿瘤要反复检查外周血像和骨髓像,对于无白血病发生的绿色瘤,也应早期进行抗白血病治疗。
- Exophthalmos 952 cases due to orbital tumors 眼眶肿瘤致眼球突出952例
- Keywords Orbital tumors;Microsurgery;Therapeutics; 眼眶肿瘤;显微外科;治疗学;
- Removal of orbital tumor-- cranial approach 眼窝肿瘤切除术-经颅腔途径
- Removal of orbital tumor--anterior approach 眼窝肿瘤切除术-经前方途径
- Removal of orbital tumor--lateral approach 眼窝肿瘤切除术-经侧方途径
- The advances in the treatment of orbital tumor 眼眶肿瘤治疗进展
- Keywords Gamma knife;orbit tumor;venous angioma; 伽玛刀;眼眶;静脉性血管瘤;
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。
- He'll have to be operated for his tumors. 他的肿瘤得开刀。
- The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite. 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。