- He learned his craft as an apprentice. 他在当学徒的时候学会的这门手艺。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- one for craft apprentices arid one for technicians. 一项是为学工艺的学徒举办的,另一项是为技术员举办的。
- A man who practices a craft with great skill. 手艺人熟练使用某种手艺的人
- The damaged craft was hauled to the hangar. 损坏了的飞机被拖进了飞机库。
- He learned his craft from an old master. 他从一位老匠人那儿学得他的手艺。
- Craft Apprentice 技工学徒
- An outstanding work of art or craft. 一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。
- Inferior craft; felt inferior to his older sibling. 低等的手工艺品; 感到比他的兄妹们低一等
- He will never serve out his time as an apprentice. 他永远出不了师。
- This apprentice is keen and quick in his work.. 这徒弟手勤脚快。
- He was bound apprentice to a carpenter. 他立约当木匠的学徒。
- The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft was in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。
- The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface. 宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船在月球表面降落。
- The apprentice lingered his work. 这个徒弟磨洋工。
- Craft must have clothes, but truth love to go naked. 欺诈必须伪装,真理不须掩饰。
- His father apprentice d him to a barber. 他父亲让他学理发。
- Also can call " apprentice " commonly. 一般也可以称为"学徒"。
- The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern. 海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。