- Counterpoise ion 平衡离子
- An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 平衡力趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量; 平衡、均衡
- We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion. 我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。
- No ground or counterpoise required! Never! 不需要接地,不需要任何地网!
- A weight that acts to balance another; a counterpoise or counterweight. 衡重体能与另一个平衡的重量; 衡重体或平衡锤
- Both of these particles can produce ion pairs. 这两种粒子都能产生离子对。
- Computers are now widespread ion China. 如今,计算机在中国被广泛应用。
- The crystals were cleaned by argon ion bombardment. 结晶体由氩离子轰击而净化。
- His robust strength was a counterpoise to the disease. 他身体强壮抵住了这疾病。
- The hydroxyl ion has a negative charge. 氢氧根离子有一个负电荷。
- The seas, wind, and te ion were really high. 大海上风吼浪涌,我们的情绪也高度紧张。
- Counterpoise namely card price is lower than exercise price. 即权证价格比行使价格低。
- Say commonly, counterpoise according to droit and control.. 一般说来,根据所有权与控制权...
- It is a technique called ion beam writing. 这一技术被称为离子束刻写。
- Pyran is not aromatic, but the phrylium ion is. 吡喃不是芳香的,但眬英嗡离子是。
- High conductivity polymer ion conductor in R.T. 室温高导电率高分子离子导体。
- Familiar with Lithium Ion test equipment. 熟悉锂离子的测试装备。
- In very gradual, complex ways, Britain may prove to be, not the Trojan horse of American influence which France has always feared, but, on the contrary, a counterpoise to the American tide. 虽然过程缓慢,方式也很复杂,可英国也许能够证明他们并非是法国总是害怕的那种美国势力的潜在危险。恰恰相反,他们是与美国潮流抗衡的力量。
- Having only one metal ion or positive radical. 只有一个金属离子或正基的
- A hollow cathode CW silver ion laser at 4788 ? 银离子空心阴极4788埃激光器