- The system can do some operations including alternant planning the railway in the 3D terrain landscape,3D modeling,budgeting the count of evolution,querying the information of the railway,outputting of AVI. 该系统实现了在三维地形景观中进行交互式的铁路选线设计,并能对设计出的铁路线进行三维建模、挖方量预算、信息查询以及三维场景的AVI动画文件输出。
- He kept count of the meteors till midnight. 他数流星一直数到半夜。
- Let's begin to take count of the votes. 我们开始计算投票数吧。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- You seem to be losing count of days. It's Monday today. 你好像连日子也搞不清了。今天是星期一。
- Darwin spend more than twenty year work on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
- The Indians cut notches on a stick to keep count of numbers. 印第安人在棒上刻V形凹痕用来计数。
- I have bought so many books this year that I can hardly keep count of them. 今年我买了很多很多书,连我自己也不知道到底有多少。
- This view is borne out by the history of evolution. 这个观念可由进化的历史上获得证明。
- The species is the unit of evolution. 物种是进化的单位。
- Makes a weekly count of Buffer and Safety. 每周清点缓冲和安全区域的产品。
- The giraffe is a good example of evolution. 长颈鹿就是说明动物进化的一个好例子。
- His father was the Count of Montpellier. 他的父亲曾是蒙彼利埃伯爵。
- The Theory of Evolution is advanced by Darwin. 进化论是由达尔文提出的。
- He remembered the Count of Monte Cristo. 他想起了基督山伯爵。
- Hold this position for a count of 10. 保持这个姿势别动,数到 10。
- Our sun is in its first stage of evolution. 我们的太阳在进化上的第一个台阶。
- Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week. 把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。
- This is a clear exposition of the theory of evolution. 这是对进化论的清晰的阐述。
- Raise your leg and hold for a count of ten. 抬起一条腿,保持这一姿势,直至数到十。