- Cotton textiles wick away perspiration. 棉织品吸汗。
- I prefer cotton textiles to synthetic fabrics. 我喜欢棉织品,不喜欢人造织物。
- Our cotton textiles are made in a great variety of colors. 我们生产的棉纺织品花色各式各样。
- Industry: cotton textiles, jute, garments, tea processing. 工业:棉纺;黄麻;服装;茶叶加工.
- Cotton textiles have their own strong points compared with synthetic fabrics. 棉织品有它自己的优点。
- Therefore, the trade deficit in cotton textiles amounted to a record of 1 million bales of raw cotton in 1978. 所以棉织品贸易的逆差在1978年创造了一百万包原棉当量的记录。
- The corporation is incorpated from Hubei Xiangfan cotton Textiles Group Co.,Ltd. 襄樊新襄棉纺织有限公司系原湖北襄棉集团有限责任公司经改制而成。
- Nantong Dechang hemp cotton textile co., LTD. 南通德昌麻棉纺织品有限公司。
- Huzhou Shengshan Cotton Textile Products Co., Ltd. 湖州升山棉织制品有限公司。
- Shandong mengyin cotton textile co., Ltd. 山东省蒙阴棉纺织有限公司。
- Our company produces the flat sheet,bedspread and pillowcases etc.The production is the whole cotton textiles. 本公司专业生产床单,床罩,枕套,被套等产品,以及被芯,枕芯等配套产品,产品均为全棉制品。
- These new industries usually make exportable goods, such as cotton textiles or toys. 这类新产业往往制造的是“可出口”货物,像是棉织物或玩具。
- From the start, the industrial revolution was based on cotton textiles, gradually adding woollens to the list and, in the late 1960s, man-made fibres and made-up garments. 香港的工业最初以棉织业为主,其后逐渐发展毛织业,到六十年代后期,更扩展至人造纤维和成衣制造业。
- The first country to industrialise, Britain was soon turning out more than half the world's coal, pig-iron and cotton textiles. 作为首个工业化国家,在很短时间里,不列颠的煤、铁和棉纺织品就占了世界产量的一半以上;
- From the start,the industrial revolution was based on cotton textiles,gradually adding woollens to the list and,in the late 1960s,man-made fibres and made-up garments. 香港的工业最初以棉织业为主,其后逐渐发展毛织业,到六十年代后期,更扩展至人造纤维和成衣制造业。
- Functional Cotton Textiles Pilot Plant Henan Xinye Textile Holding Co., Ltd. 功能性棉纺织产品开发基地河南新野纺织集团股份有限公司。
- It now has 14800 staffs and a production capacity of 800 thousand spindles and 1100 set shuttleless looms, 90% of which is used to manufacture spandex cotton textiles. 目前拥有80万纱锭及1100台无梭织机的生产能力,其中90%25的产能用于制造氨纶弹力棉纺织产品,雇佣14800名员工。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- No kerosene, cigarettes, soap and luxuries are imported here. We make our own cigarettes and other items, and have enough and to spare. For example, we export a part of our products, such as cloth, towels, other cotton textiles and paper. 这里没有外来的洋油、香烟、肥皂和奢侈品,自制的香烟等已够本区供给有余,且有部分的出品,如布匹、毛巾等棉织物和纸张,能够往外运销。