- Costa Rican Rebellion 哥斯达黎加暴动(1955)
- She called the Costa Rican Embassy. 她给哥斯达黎加大使馆打电话。
- A group of storks gathers to forage on a muddy Costa Rican riverbed. 意译:生活的颜色:棕色。一群白鹳收集到饲料在泥泞的哥斯达黎加河床。
- Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest. 僧帽猴拥有小孩子一样的白色的脸,经常出没在哥斯达黎加的雨林。
- Gilberto tamed the crocodile so well they put on a regular show in the Costa Rican city of Limon. 在哥斯大黎加利蒙市,吉尔贝托和他的鳄鱼正在进行一场表演,吉尔贝托对鳄鱼很温柔。
- Costa Rican President Rodrigo Carazo Odio arrived in Taiwan on October 8 for a five-day official visit. 1. 哥斯大黎加总统卡拉索伉俪一行,于十月八日来华作为期五天的正式访问。
- By contrast, the Costa Rican function could draw on a much larger pool of English and Spanish-speaking recruits. 相比而言,位于哥斯达黎加的机构就可以利用由英语和西班牙语人士组成的更大的人才库。
- In a statement Friday, China's foreign ministry did not contest the validity of the Costa Rican documents. 在一份声明中周五,中国外交部没有竞赛的有效性哥斯达黎加文件。
- Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest. 意译:热带的雨林野生动物图片。白色的脸型僧帽猴婴儿玩耍在哥斯达黎加雨林。
- Costa Rican initiates celebrated the true New Year and the start of the Golden Age for all humanity with a two-day retreat and large party. 哥斯大黎加同修以禅二与大型盛会来庆贺真正的新年,并揭开人类黄金新世纪的序幕。
- One day we went out to have fun and haplessly got into trouble, and the Costa Rican police took us into custody for six months. 有一天我们外出闲逛时,不幸惹上麻烦,遭哥斯大黎加警方拘留了六个月。
- He and his colleague, Keron Walters, 22, were being treated in a hospital in the Costa Rican town of Limon for dehydration. 他与同事,廿二岁的华特斯,己被送往哥斯达黎加里蒙镇的一家医院,二人有脱水症状。
- On Friday, Costa Rican President Oscar Arias said the loan is to be paid off in 12 years with an interest rate below 4%. 阿里亚斯第一次访问中国是在2007年10月。而中国公司总裁将在下个月访问哥斯达黎加。
- Chen Shuibian flies back to Taiwan Tuesday from Costa Rica, where he attended the inauguration of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Monday. 他星期一在那里参加了哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡.;阿里亚斯的就职仪式。
- This Costa Rican is from the Tarrazu region, grown on the Beneficiadora Santa Elena, and is considered some of the finest Costa Rican coffee available. 这个品种来自塔拉朱地区,长在最好的桑塔爱莱那农场,被认为是哥斯达黎加所产最好咖啡之一。
- Both sides have now agreed to attend talks mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, but the political standoff could last for months. 双方目前都同意参加由哥斯达黎加总统阿里亚斯主持调停谈判,不过政治对峙可能会持续几个月的时间。
- Costa Rican officials report that 20 people have died, 23 remain missing, and about 2,250 are homeless, according to the Reuters news agency. 据路透社报道,哥斯达黎加官方报告称有20人死亡,23人失踪,还有2250人无家可归。
- Costa Rican soils are generally fertile and in well drained soils a yield of 40 - 45 t/ha/year (1600 - 1800 exportable boxes) can be obtained with little inputs. 哥斯达黎加土壤一般很肥沃,在排水良好的土壤上无需什么投入就可获得40~45吨/公顷/年的产量(1600~1800出口货箱)。
- Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez accused Costa Rican government officials of backing his opponents in an alleged coup plot to topple his leftist government. 委内瑞拉总统查维兹指控哥斯大黎加政府官员,支持他的对手阴谋叛变,企图推翻他的左派政府。
- Coffees we carry are Jamaican Blue Mountain, Hawaiian Kona, Brazil Bourbon Santos, Colombian Supremo, Costa Rican Sarchi, Guatemala antigua, and Ethiopian Mocha Limu, and so on. 本公司代理的咖啡分别有牙买加蓝山一号、夏威夷康拿、巴西山度士、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、危地马拉安提加、埃塞俄比亚也加沙夫等等。