- Cost Effective Surface Torpedo 成本效应水面鱼雷
- Simply cost effective!Notably F.A.N.T.A.S.T. 还有就是有爱却不知道该怎么用力去爱的父亲。
- Is an HPV vaccine for boys cost effective? 人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗符合成本效益吗?
- Shared hosting is very common, and very cost effective. 共享虚拟主机非常常见,并且花费很值。
- Clean energy is cost effective for governments and enterprises. 清洁能源对政府和企业来说都是有利可图的。
- The plant is therefore very easy and cost effective to transport. 因此搅拌站移动起来非常方便,经济。
- Cost effective selection of facilities and equipment. 依据成本效益选择设施及设备。
- Cost effective: This is a free service provided by DHL-SINOTRANS. 节约成本:此项服务是中外运敦豪提供的免费项目。
- Examination of every single objective would not be cost effective. 检查每一个目标不会以失去效率为代价。
- The sunk cost effect is a kind of common irrational behavior. 沉没成本效应是一种常见的非理性行为。
- NUR Tango Unmatched cost effectiveness. 努尔探戈匹敌的成本效益.
- A cost effective, flexible machine concept that can handle all grinding tasks. 可满足各种磨削任务的经济型柔性化机床方案。
- Segmenting the customer base to achieve cost effective organic growth. 区隔客户以达到成本效益的成长。
- In the conventional technology,TiO2 film is usually used as an anti-reflection (AR) coating. The SiN layer which is produced by PECVD,is also widely used not only as a good AR coating,but also as an effective surface passivation layer. 除了传统的由TiO2作为成反射膜的工艺外,由等离子体化学气相沉积法(PECVD)制作的SiN是很有效的减反射膜,又是有效的表面钝化膜。
- Cost Effective - The more cartons you close, the more you'll save by stapling. 有效控制成本-越多地利用钉合,就会越多地节约成本。
- Magnetic nanoparticles have been utilized for biomedical purpose due to their unique features such as its superparamagnetism, high saturation magnetization and high effective surface areas, etc. 摘要由于磁性奈米粒子所具有之独特性质,例如超顺磁性、高饱和磁化量与高有效表面积等,因此已被应用于生物医学诊断造影、疾病治疗及生化分离等生医领域。
- Stat-X aerosol generators offer a cost effective for fire suppression. 静-X 的喷雾剂产生器提供一对于火抑压是有效的花费。
- For example, it can effectively disperse the pasty metal pigment into powder coating, and get the metal effective surface. 所以具有十分广泛和十分深远的意义。
- For the cost effective design, the architecture of EBC is very important. 对于低价格考量的编解码器而言,嵌入式区块编码的架构是最重要的。
- Sato: In a normal LSI used in electronic devices, performance and cost effectiveness rise if the surface area is smaller, yet it packs circuits more densely. 佐藤:用于电子设备中的普通大规模集成电路,它们的性能和成本效率会随着面积的减小而增大,与此同时电路也越紧凑。