- He was demoted from sergeant to corporal. 他由中士降到下士。
- The slaves rose against their cruel masters. 奴隶们起来反抗他们残暴的主人。
- The slaves slew their masters with swords. 奴隶们用刀杀死了主人。
- The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip. 残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
- He buddied up with the other corporal. 他与另外那个班长交了朋友。
- Here were the high and low, slaves and masters. 这里高低贵贱的人都有,有奴隶,也有主人。
- Hemingway and Steinbeck were masters of fiction. 海明威和斯坦贝克是小说大师。
- Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters. [谚]水火是忠仆,也能成灾主。
- A great poet is a master melody. 大诗人也是音律大师。
- I wish I could be a master of this subject. 但愿我能精通这门学科就好了。
- What is your stance on corporal punishment? 你对体罚持什么态度?
- The dog howled over its master's body. 狗对着主人的尸体哀嚎。
- Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao. 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得呆头呆脑。
- A teacher should not give students corporal punishment. 老师不应该体罚学生。
- The statesman is master of the situation. 这位政治家控制住了局面。
- Henry is a past master at bridge. 亨利是打桥牌的高手。
- The master or a crew member of a barge. 驳船船夫船上的船长或水手
- He got cruel corporal punishment in prison. 他在狱中受了毒刑。
- It's not easy to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语并不容易。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。