- Conventional Systems Committee 常规系统委员会
- Conventions Systems Committee 常规系统委员会
- It was defined by the NTSC (US National Television Systems Committee). 它由NTSC(美国国家电视系统委员会)界定。
- It reproduces color data with twice the accuracy of conventional systems to keep colors faithful and sharp. 它抄录的两倍色彩数据的准确性,常规技术,以保持颜色的忠实和夏普。
- The freestanding machine takes up 25-percent less space than conventional systems. 这 种独立式的机器比传统的系统少占用25%25的空间。
- The Wellcome Trust and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) are two examples of important UK-based actors. 惠康信讬基金会和英国资讯系统委员会在英国扮演重要的角色。
- Didot point system: A conventional system of type measurement used in continental Europe . 狄多点制:欧洲大陆惯用的字体量度制度。
- There exists many different design of damping systems, such as Dahlgren, air-knife, brush, etc. in addition to the conventional system. 湿润系统有多种设计,惯用的设计外,还有达格伦,气,毛刷等。
- Relevant inter-period tax allocation standards include: IAS 12, China’s ASBE 18, US FAS 109 and Japan’s Accounting System Committee Report #6. 我们将考察以下所得税跨期分摊适用的准则:国际财务报告准则第12号、中国企业会计准则第18号、美国 财务会计准则第109号以及日本会计制度委员会第6号报告。
- SN358: Conventional system, with a fast sampling rate for a large number of channels for mineral and marine oil exploration. SN358:常规系统,用于矿藏及海上石油勘探的高采样率大道数的采集系统。
- This means that the system disk on an IA-64 system has an additional disk partition dedicated to EFI instead of the simple MBR or boot block on more conventional systems. 这意味着在一个IA-64系统上的系统磁盘,具有一个附加的专门为EFI服务的磁盘分区,而不是像传统系统上只是简单的MBR或者引导块记录。
- During more than 16 yrs of his educational career,Chen was acute in reform,bold in attack on the traditional educational ideas and conventional systems. 在其长达十六、七年的教育生涯中,陈独秀锐意改革,向传统的教育制度、观念和积习发起猛攻。
- Due to the unactuated joints, the motion control of an under-actuated system is much more difficult than that of a conventional system. 在欠驱动系统里,由于非驱动关节的存在,运动控制比一般的机器人要困难得多。
- This multi-staged caucus/ convention system takes several months. 这个多级会议(会)度常常历时好几个月。
- Another advantage of an electronic ignition system can produce voltage,up to twice the voltage a conventional system can produce. 电子点火系统的另一个优点是它可以产生两倍于常规点火系统所能产生的电压。
- The LASP system can perform better than conventional system with respect to operation time, section selectivity, and reliability. 教员线路的线路断路器可重新闭合,重新投入运行。
- As a representative story of Faulkner's Yokanpatawtha, A Rose For Emily describes a typical southern woman victimized by the conventional system of the South and patriarchy. 福克纳的短篇小说《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》作为其南方文学的代表力作,塑造了一个饱受南方传统习俗和父权主义摧残的典型南方受害妇女形象。
- Miss Emily, who was regarded as a woman victimized and betrayed by violating the old conventional system of the South and by the patriarchy traced by many critics from feminism. 认为这是一个被南方旧传统道德观念和父权制度所残害的一个女人的悲惨故事。
- United states national television systems committee 中文名称:美国国家电视系统委员会
- The composite colour television system mainly used in the USA and Japan. It was defined by the NTSC (US National Television Systems Committee). It has 525 lines, interlaced at 60 Hz. 这个综合性彩色电视系统主要在美国和日本使用。它由NTSC(美国国家电视系统委员会)界定。它包括525条线路,并以60赫兹的频率相交。