- Convection of east and west 东西对流
- There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. 东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。
- To act as a bridge connecting the best of East and West on matters of sleep. 作为东西方睡眠相关事件的最好的沟通桥梁。
- Tagore was not political and tried to harmonise the views of east and west. 泰戈尔不热衷政治,他一直尝试着将东西方的观念融合起来,使之协调。
- They had rung the sheds of the east and west. 他们在东西部的剪羊毛比赛中获胜。
- Hong Kong has been enriched over many decades by different ideas and cultures,blending the best of East and West. 过去数十年来,香港兼收不同的思想和文化,融合东西方的精粹。
- That reminds me of Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, an American city where cultures of East and West converge. 我想起美国夏威夷的檀香山,那也是个东西方文化交融的城市。
- St Gregory Therapeutic Spa, located at Novena Square, offers a blend of East and West treatments. 位于诺维娜广场内的St Gregory Therapeutic Spa提供中西合并的疗法。
- The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was reopened, signifying the reunion of East and West Germany. 柏林的勃兰登堡在这一天重新开放;意味者东德和西德的统一.
- "Only in medieval churches do I see a similar pastiche of East and West," says Mr Gabbiani. 加比亚尼先生表示:“类似这样的东、西方集锦,我只在中世纪建造的教堂看到过。”
- Hong Kong has been enriched over many decades by different ideas and cultures, blending the best of East and West. 过去数十年来,香港兼收不同的思想和文化,融合东西方的精粹。
- I fail to see why Beijing's "weird juxtaposition of East and West" is such a bad thing. 我看不出为什么北京成为“东西文化的杂交怪物”是一件坏事。
- By the 4th century it was clear that the politics of East and West were drawing apart. 4世纪之前,东西方政治活动是截然不同的。
- Also there are two stone forests at Putuo Hill and Dragon Head Hill respectively and they are dubbed "the two wondrous sights of east and west". 普陀石林和龙头石林,更是被人称为“东西两奇绝”。
- The cultures of East and West interacted and blended together, bringing to fruit the ideal of the world being one family. 她又是什么地方来的?东西文化在此融合交流,世界一家的理想终于实现。
- Therefore, it is imperative for Singapore to ensure that cultures of East and West complement each other for its own good, since a "rootless" society would be in great peril. 东西文化的相互配合是目前新加坡社会的一个重要课题,没有“根”的社会是极为危险的。
- It's advance to artwork communication of east and west, propagand the art of China, introduce the arts from foreigne countries. 为促进东西方艺术品交流,宣传中国艺术品,介绍外国艺术品,
- They will become ever more devastating and bloody and will lay in ruins not only Germany, but finally all countries of East and West. 它们会变得更加有破坏性和血腥,不仅仅是德国,而且最后东方和西方的所有国家都会埋藏着毁灭。
- Columnist Miss Li that the blend of East and West in Macau should be the case, in a better fashion in the ancient cultural heritage. 专栏作者李小姐认为在中西文化交融的澳门更应如此,在时尚流行中更好地传承古老的文化。
- These basic building concentrated in the village of East and West in the two alleys, one of the West preserved hutong courtyard houses the most. 这些建筑基本集中在村中的东、西两条胡同中,其中西胡同保存下来的民居院落最多。