- Rope off the fire area and report. 用绳隔离着火区域并报告。
- Use Charcoal Lever to control fire. 请用木炭阀来控制火势。
- Check the fire area every hour for re-ignition and report. 检查一次复燃情况并报告。
- Operations Guide: Mobile keyboard key or mouse control fire! 操作指南:键盘方向键移动,鼠标控制射击!
- In order to control fire in minimum area the disposition of fire-extinguishing equipment is introduced and analyzed from the functions of fire hydrant system, fire sprinkle system and other aspects. 阐述了烟气的来源及其危害性,对灭火措施的设置作了介绍,对消火栓系统、自动喷洒系统、报警等的功能进行了分析,从而确保火灾控制在最小范围内。
- You are approved to avoid the thunderstorm to the right, reason fire area (reason prohibited area). 不同意向右方绕飞雷雨因炮击区(因禁区)。
- Wrangham's theory would fit together nicely if not for that pesky problem of controlled fire. 要不是因为用火的时间问题,蓝翰的想法确实会是很好的理论。
- Caption :Light Show:Helicopter pilots watch as a controlled fire burns on Mount McLean,British Columbia. 描述:火光闪烁:加拿大不列颠哥仑比亚省,直升飞机驾驶员观看麦克莱恩山一场受控的燃火。
- Controlled fire and the wheel are two such inventions which allowed our ancestors to live a better life in safety. 受控制的火以及车轮就是这样两种发明,它们使我们的祖先在安全上获得更好的生活。
- The FARSITE fire area simulator developed by one of us (Finney) relies on similar inputs but also calculates where a fire might spread and how quickly. 作者之一芬尼设计的火灾地区模拟器(FARSITE),需要的也是类似的资料,但它也能同时计算火势会往哪个方向扩散、扩散的速度有多快。
- Once the source of fire exists on the prairie, under the wind's help, it will deflagrate, and the fire area is proportional to the wind speed. 持续性的“暖干”天气,使草原处于极干燥、易燃的状态,它在火灾个例中占65%25,草原上一旦出现火源,风助火威,就能迅速燃烧,风速与过火面积成正比。
- The reflection of heat source was sensitive at channel 7, and its spectrum data was remarkable difference between fire area and other area. 7通道对地面热源反映非常敏感,明火区光谱数据与周围地物光谱数据有显著差异;
- Furthermore, archaeological data does not support the use of controlled fire during the period Wrangham's theory requires it to. 甚至,考古学资料并不支持人类懂得用火的时间就是蓝翰理论中所需求的时间。
- The three-dimensional simulation and demonstrational method of the missile s ballistics and fire area are presented in this paper. 提出并实现了导弹飞行弹道及火力圈等的三维模拟显示方法。
- Using the mouse to operate air combat games, the space bar to launch missiles against surface warships, the left mouse button to control fire. 用鼠标操作的空战游戏,空格键为发射导弹对付海面的军舰,鼠标左键控制射击。
- The allowable firing area of parallel salvo minishes with the increase of firing distance.In order to expand the firing area, the submarine should measurably hold the firing distance. 随射距的增大,潜艇可以选择的射击阵位范围减小,为了扩大射击阵位的选择范围,潜艇应适当控制射距。
- Still, most researchers state that unless evidence of controlled fire can be regularly confirmed at most H. erectus sites, they will remain skeptical of Wrangham's theory. 不过,多数研究者仍然宣称,除非在多数直立人遗迹都能找到懂得用火的证据,否则他们对蓝翰的理论仍抱持怀疑。
- The verdict is not yet in, and biologists are still divided on the mechanism by which this Promethean plant managed to acquire and control fire. 这种普罗米修斯式的植物是如何获得火种控制火焰的?生物学家对其运行机制依然众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- Carrying Fireman's outfits, B.A....etc. to fired area & fighting the fire per C/O's order. 攜消防衣;呼吸器...等滅火裝備至火場並依大副指示滅火
- Cattle feast on new grass at the Z Bar/Spring Hill Ranch only a month after controlled fires swept across the landscape. 就在受控制的火扫过这片地区后仅一个月,牛群就在斯普林西尔牧场享用新草。